Gonzalo Méndez (PhD) works as an associate professor at the Computer Science School - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where he is the Director of the Department of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. He is also member of the Instituto de Tecnología del Conocimiento (Knowledge Technology Institute).
Contact Information:
- Office: 402
- Phone: (+34) 91 394 7579 / 7576
- Fax: (+34) 91 394 75 47
- Email: gmendez_AT_fdi.ucm.es
- Address: C/ Prof. José García Santesmases, s/n. 28040 Madrid (Spain).
- The Story Telling Laboratory
- NLP for Accessibility
- Computational Creativity
- Modeling Aspects of Interaction
- Generating Language Output
- Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Software Agents
- Software Architecture
I'm currently working in the following projects:
- ADARVE: Análisis de Datos de Realidad Virtual para formación en Emergencias Radiológicas
- CANTOR: Automated Composition of Personal Narratives as an aid for Occupational Therapy based on Reminescence
- InVITAR-IA: Infraestructuras para la Visibilización, Integración y Transferencia de Aplicaciones y Resultados de Inteligencia Artificial
- Red iGLN: Tratamiento Inteligente de la información y Generación de Lenguaje Natural
Past projects:
- IDiLyCo: Digital Inclusion, Language and Communication
- ComunicArte: Comunicación efectiva a través de la realidad virtual y las tecnologías educativas
- Aulas TIC de Autismo España
- PROSECCO: Promoting the Scientific Exploration of Computational Creativity
- WHIM: The WHat-If Machine
- ConCreTe: Concept Creation Technology
- MILES: Models of Interaction centred on Language, spacE and computational Semantics
- IVERNAO: Instrucciones VERbales para la NAvegación basadas en Ontologías
List of publications in the NIL web site.
List of publications in Google Scholar.
List of publications in ResearchGate.
List of publications in Semantic Scholar.
List of publications in Microsoft Academic.
List of publications in Academia.
Public Research Profiles
Profile in ORCID
Profile in ResearcherID/Publons
Profile in Scopus
Profile in UCM Research portal
- Quizz, an Android app to support students of modern english literature. If you want to test it, create a new classroom with code 0.
- I.amAble, science at the service of society, with the aim of teaching chemistry to people with disabilities.
- Pictar, a text to pictogram translator (in spanish) (github repo).
- Web services API for accessibility
- Applications for accessibility
- TFMTeXiS (utf-8 version, latin1 version), a latex template based on the popular TeXiS template (created by Marco Antonio and Pedro Pablo Gómez Martín), tailored for the specific needs of BSc and MSc projects at FdI - UCM.