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“UNED Submission to AVE 2006”, Cross-Language System Evaluation Campaign. Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2006. Alicante, Spain, 2006.
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“Agent Based Simulation Framework for Quantitative and Qualitative Social Research: Statistics and Natural Language Generation”, in The Fourth European Social Simulation Association Conference, Toulouse, France, 2007.
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“Automatic Direction of Automatic Storytelling: Formalizing the Game Master Paradigm”, in 4th International Conference on Virtual Storytelling: Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Storytelling (ICVS), Saint-Malo, France, 2007, vol. 4871, pp. 196-201.
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“Banking Frauds: An Agents-Based Training Framework to Follow-up the Swindlers Learning Process”, Special Issue of International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications, vol. 3, pp. 162–168, 2007.
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“Building Corpora for the Development of a Dependency Parser for Spanish Using Maltparser”, Revista de la Asociación Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, vol. 39, p. 181--186, 2007.
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“A Computer Model that Generates Biography-Like Narratives”, in International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity, London, 2007.
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“Conceptual Enrichment of Locations Pointed Out by the User”, in 11th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2007), Vietri sul Mare, Italy, 2007, vol. 4692, pp. 346–353.
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“Dependency Analysis and CBR to Bridge the Generation Gap in Template-Based NLG”, in Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing (CICLing 2007), Mexico City, Mexico, 2007.
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“The Effect of Entity Recognition on Answer Validation”, Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information Retrieval. 7th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2006. Revised Selected Papers, vol. 4730. Springer, Alicante, Spain, p. 483--489, 2007.
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“EmoTag: Automated Mark Up of Affective Information in Texts”, in EUROLAN 2007 Summer School Doctoral Consortium, Iasi, Romania, 2007, pp. 5–12.
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“Enrichment of Automatically Generated Texts using Metaphor”, in 6th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI-07), Aguascalientes, Mexico, 2007, vol. 4827, pp. 944–954.
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“Evolutionary Assistance in Alliteration and Allelic Drivel”, in EvoMusArt 2007,EvoWorkshops 2007, dentro de Evo* 2007 (conferencia múltiple en el campo de la Programación Evolutiva), Valencia, Spain, 2007, vol. 4448, pp. 537–546.
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“Experiments of UNED at the Third Recognising Textual Entailment Challenge”, Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing. Association for Computational Linguistics, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 89--94, 2007.
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“Expressive Synthesis of Read Aloud Tales”, in Artificial & Ambient Intelligence (AISB'07), Culture Lab, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2007, pp. 179–186.
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“On the Fly Collaborative Story-Telling: Revising Contributions to Match a Shared Partial Story Line.”, in International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity, London, 2007.
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“From the Event Log of a Social Simulation to Narrative Discourse: Content Planning in Story Generation”, in Conference of the Artificial and Ambient Intelligence, Culture Lab, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2007, pp. 402–409.
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“JBeaver: Un Analizador de Dependencias para el Español”, Revista de la Asociación Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, vol. 39, p. 285--286, 2007.
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“JBeaver: un Analizador de Dependencias para el Español Basado en Aprendizaje”, XII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial (CAEPIA 07), vol. 2, 2 vol. Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, Salamanca, España, p. 211--220, 2007.
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“Mixed Narrative and Dialog Content Planning Based on BDI Agents”, in XII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para Inteligencia Artificial, Salamanca, Spain, 2007.
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“A multiagent extension for virtual reality based intelligent tutoring systems”, in Advanced Learning Technologies, 2007. ICALT 2007. Seventh IEEE International Conference on, 2007, pp. 82–84.
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“NIL: Attribute Selection for Matching the Task Corpus Using Relative Attribute Groupings Obtained from the Test Data”, in First NLG Challenge on Attribute Selection for Generating Referring Expressions (ASGRE), UCNLG+MT Workshop, Machine Translation Summit XI, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007.
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“Ontological Reasoning to Configure Emotional Voice Synthesis”, in Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR 2007), Innsbruck, Austria, 2007, pp. 88–102.
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“Paraphrase Extraction from Validated Question Answering Corpora in Spanish”, Revista de la Asociación Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, vol. 39, p. 37--44, 2007.
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“Personalización en Servicios de Noticias”, Enlaces, vol. 7, 2007.
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