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“A Model of Character Affinity for Agent-Based Story Generation”, in 9th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, Limassol, Cyprus, 2014.
MendezGervasLeon-kicss2014.pdf (345.73 KB)
“mIVA: Why to use Mobile Agents in Virtual Environments and Wireless Devices?”, in 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI2002). Workshop 6: Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Systems, 2002.
AIMS2002.pdf (439.01 KB)
“Mining Knowledge in Storytelling Systems for Narrative Generation”, in CC-NLG: Computational Creativity in Natural Language Generation (@INLG2016), Edimburgh, UK, 2016.
Concepcionetal-CC-NLG.pdf (151.21 KB)
“A microservice-based architecture for story generation”, in Microservices, Odense, Denmark, 2017.
ConcepcionEtAl-Microservices2017.pdf (150.21 KB)
“The Long Path of Frustration: a case of study with Dead by Daylight”, in I. Rojas et al. (eds.): Advances in Computational Intelligence, 14th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2017, Cádiz, Spain, June 14-16, Proceedings, Part II, LNCS 10306, 2017.
Delatorre 2017 - Long path of frustration.pdf (343.72 KB)
“Knowing Users with Mild Intellectual Impairments in UX Design Processes”, in XXIII Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador (Interacción 2023), Lleida, Spain, 2023.
, “Kill the Dragon and Rescue the Princess: Designing a Plan-Based Multi-agent Story Generator”, in 5th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2014 (Late Breaking paper), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014.
MendezGervasICCC2014.pdf (91.5 KB)
“JADAWeb: A CBR System for Cooking Recipes. ”, in 18th International Conference on Case-based Reasoning., Alessandria, Italy, 2010, pp. 179-188.
cookingcontest.pdf (531.87 KB)
“Introducing Mood and Affinity to Generate Brief Template-based Dialogues in Storytelling Systems”, in C3GI: The 7th International Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, 2019.
paper8.pdf (305.6 KB)
“Interactive Storytelling in Educational Environments”, in 3rd International Conference on Multimedia and ICT´s in Education (m-ICTE): Recent Research Developments in Learning Technologies, Caceres, Spain, 2005, vol. 3, pp. 1345-1349.
2005-peinado-interactive.pdf (205.59 KB)
“Intelligent Virtual Environments for Training in Nuclear Power Plants”, in ICEIS 2004: Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, Porto, Portugal, 2004, pp. 204–209.
paper-iceis04.pdf (82.97 KB)
“Integration of Linguistic Markup into Semantic Models of Folk Narratives: The Fairy Tale Use Case”, in Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10), La Valetta, Malta, 2010.
654_Paper.pdf (1.25 MB)
“INES: A reconstruction of the Charade storytelling system using the Afanasyev Framework”, in Ninth International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2018, Salamanca, Spain, 2018.
ICCC 2018 paper on INES (442 KB)
“Improving the Performance of a Computer-Controlled Player in a Maze Chase Game using Evolutionary Programming on a Finite-State Machine”, in Congreso de la Sociedad Española Para las Ciencias del Videojuego, Barcelona, España, 2015.
, “Implementación de generador estocástico de partidas mediante la configuración de dimensiones afectivas”, in XVIII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial (CAEPIA 2018), 2018.
, “Impact of interactivity on information management for suspense in storytelling”, in Proceedings of AISB Annual Convencion 2017, 2017.
Delatorre 2017 - Interactivity and suspense.pdf (557.8 KB)
“How do agents affect modifiability? A comparison between two architectures for intelligent virtual environments for training”, in 2nd European Conference on Software Architecture, 2008, pp. 82–97.
52920082.pdf (435.98 KB)
“Heating Up Interactions in an Agent-based Simulation to Ensure Narrative Interest”, in 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, ICAART 2025, Porto, Portugal, 2025.
, “Hacia Una Metodología de Desarrollo Para la Construcción de Entornos Virtuales”, in VI Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2001), 2001.
Camera-ready.pdf (266.76 KB)
“A Game Architecture for Emergent Story-Puzzles in a Persistent World”, in 2nd International Conference of the Digital Games Research Association, Vancouver, Canada, 2005.
2005-peinado-game.pdf (151.8 KB)
“A Game Architecture for Emergent Story-Puzzles in a Persistent World”, in 2nd International Conference of the Digital Games Research Association, Vancouver, Canada, 2005.
2005-peinado-game.pdf (151.8 KB)
“From Client's Dreams to Achievable Projects”, in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2001, pp. 833-838.
, “Exploring the Role of Word Associations in the Construction of Rhetorical Figures”, in 7th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2016), Paris, France, 2016.
GalvanEtAl.pdf (141.27 KB)
“Exploring the Behavior of Classic REG Algorithms in the Description of Characters in 3D Images”, in International Natural Language Generation Conference (INLG2017), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2017.
inlg17_v1.pdf (556.66 KB)
“Exploring Morphosyntactic Annotation Over a Spanish Corpus for Dependency Parsing”, in DepLing 2013, 2013.