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“An architecture of narrative memory”, Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, vol. 16, 2016.
, “Are the existing training corpora unnecessarily large?”, SEPLN Journal Nº48, 2012. sepln_v1_mbm_unnecesarily.pdf (523.6 KB)
, “Assessing the influence of personal preferences on the choice of vocabulary for natural language generation”, Information Processing and Management, vol. 49, 2013. HervasEtAlIPM13.pdf (1.76 MB)
, “Assessing the Novelty of Computer-Generated Narratives using Empirical Metrics”, MINDS AND MACHINES, vol. 20, p. 588, 2010. M&M_PeinadoFranciscoHervasGervas_2010.pdf (240 KB)
, “Automatic Summarization of News Using WordNet Concept Graphs”, IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information System, vol. V, pp. 45-57, 2010. 2010110104.pdf (117.52 KB)
, “ Analyzing, Enhancing, Optimizing and Applying Dependency Analysis”, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, 2012. tesisMBallesteros.pdf (3.77 MB) PresentacionTesis.pdf (1.68 MB)
, “An approach to Beethoven's 10th Symphony”. arXiv, 2020. iccc.pdf (598.19 KB)
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