“Composing Narrative Discourse for Stories of Many Characters: a Case Study over a Chess Game”, Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 29, 2014.
, “Creativity in Story Generation From the Ground Up: Non-deterministic Simulation driven by Narrative”, in 5th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014.
stella CRC.pdf (218.11 KB)
“Generación de textos adaptativa basada en la elección léxica emocional”, in XV International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (INTERACCION 2014), Tenerife, Spain, 2014.
BautistaetAl_Interaccion14.pdf (235.21 KB)
“Kill the Dragon and Rescue the Princess: Designing a Plan-Based Multi-agent Story Generator”, in 5th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2014 (Late Breaking paper), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014.
MendezGervasICCC2014.pdf (91.5 KB)
“Metrics for Desired Structural Features for Narrative Renderings of Game Logs”, Journal of Entertainment Computing, 2014.
, “A Model of Character Affinity for Agent-Based Story Generation”, in 9th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, Limassol, Cyprus, 2014.
MendezGervasLeon-kicss2014.pdf (345.73 KB)
“The Need for Multi-Aspectual Representation of Narratives in Modelling their Creative Process”, in 2014 Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative, Quebec City, Canada, 2014.
cmn14.pdf (310.21 KB)
“Reading and Writing as a Creative Cycle: The Need for a Computational Model”, in 5th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014.
ictivs_rev.pdf (257.11 KB)
“Reviewing Propp's Story Generation Procedure in the Light of Computational Creativity”, in AISB Symposium on Computational Creativity, AISB-2014, April 1-4 2014, Goldsmiths, London, UK, 2014.
PropperAISB2014_CRC.pdf (125.3 KB)
“Un modelo para la evaluación de la narrativa basada en partidas de ajedrez”, in Proceedings of the 1st Congreso de la Sociedad Española para las Ciencias del Videojuego (CoSECiVi 2014), 2014.
Delatorre 2014 - Suspense y ajedrez.pdf (403.12 KB)
“Accessible Numerical Information: Cookery Recipes as a Special Case”, in International Conference On Information and Communication Technology and Accessibility , Hammamet, Tunusia, 2013.
icta13_BautistaetAl.pdf (50.67 KB)
“Assessing the influence of personal preferences on the choice of vocabulary for natural language generation”, Information Processing and Management, vol. 49, 2013.
HervasEtAlIPM13.pdf (1.76 MB)
“Computational Modelling of Poetry Generation”, in Artificial Intelligence and Poetry Symposium, AISB Convention 2013, University of Exeter, United Kingdom, 2013.
GervasAISB2013CRC.pdf (118.38 KB)
“Evolutionary Elaboration of Daily News as a Poetic Stanza”, in IX Congreso Español de Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados - MAEB 2013, Universidad Complutense de MAdrid, Madrid, Spain, 2013.
maeb_rev.pdf (158.7 KB)
“Integration of lexical and syntactic simplification capabilities in a text editor”, Procedia Computer Science, 2013.
DSAI2013-HervasEtAl_CRC.pdf (119.16 KB)
“Narrative Composition: Achieving the Perceived Linearity of Narrative”, in Proceedings of the 14th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013.
GervasENLG2013.pdf (61.22 KB)
“One Half or 50%? An Eye-Tracking Study of Number Representation Readability”, in INTERACT 2013 designing for diversity, Cape Town, South Africa, 2013.
interact2013-NENE.pdf (353.78 KB)
“Propp’s Morphology of the Folk Tale as a Grammar for Generation”, in Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative, a satellite workshop of CogSci 2013: The 35th meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Universität Hamburg Hamburg, Germany, 2013.
ProppCMN2013 CRC.pdf (389.24 KB)
“Stories from Games: Content and Focalization Selection in Narrative Composition”, in I Spanish Symposium on Entertainment Computing, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2013.
seed2013_CRC.pdf (166.26 KB)
“A System for the Simplification of Numerical Expressions at Different Levels of Understandability.”, in Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for Target Reader Populations -ACL 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013.
Poster_SusanaBautista_PITR2013.pdf (466 KB)
“A System for the Simplification of Numerical Expressions at Different Levels of Understandability. ”, in Worshop Natural Language Processing for Improving Textual Accessibility (NLP4ITA), Atlanta, USA, 2013.
nlp4ita_cr.pdf (132.8 KB)
“Text Simplification Focused on Numerical Expressions”, in Workshop on Rethinking Universal Accessibility- INTERACT 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, 2013.
rua13_CR.pdf (122.44 KB)
“Análisis de la Simplificación de Expresiones Numéricas en Español mediante un estudio Empírico.”, Linguamática, vol. 4,n.2, 2012.
BautistaEtAl.pdf (421.84 KB)
“Analyzing the CoNLL-X Shared Task from a Sentence Accuracy Perspective”, SEPLN Journal Nº48, 2012.
sepln_v1_mbm.pdf (226.29 KB)
“Are the existing training corpora unnecessarily large?”, SEPLN Journal Nº48, 2012.
sepln_v1_mbm_unnecesarily.pdf (523.6 KB)