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R. Hervás, Sánchez-Ruiz, A., Gervás, P., and León, C., Calibrating a Metric for Similarity of Stories against Human Judgment, in Creativity and Experience Workshop, International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, Bad Homburg, Frankfurt, Germany, 2015.PDF icon HervasEtAl_ICCBR-EC.pdf (199.25 KB)
S. Bautista and Saggion, H., Can Numerical Expressions Be Simpler? Implementation and Demostration of a Numerical Simplification System for Spanish, in 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Reykjavik, 2014.PDF icon LREC_CR.pdf (218.64 KB)
A. Romero-Hernandez, Gonzalez-Riojo, M., Sagredo-Olivenza, I., and Manero, B., Comparison of a Tablet Versus Computer-Based Classical Theatre Game Among 8–13 Year Children, IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 44283–44291, 2021.
P. Xiao, Toivonen, H., Gross, O., Cardoso, A., Correia, J., Machado, P., Martins, P., Oliveira, H. G., Sharma, R., Pinto, A. Miguel, Díaz, A., Francisco, V., Gervás, P., Hervás, R., León, C., Forth, J., Purver, M., Wiggins, G. A., Miljković, D., Podpečan, V., Pollak, S., Kralj, J., ,, Bohanec, M., Lavrac, N., Urbančič, T., Van Der Velde, F., and Battersby, S., Conceptual Representations for Computational Concept Creation, ACM Comput. Surv., vol. 52, pp. 9:1–9:33, 2019.PDF icon a9-xiao-with-supp.pdf (4.11 MB)
P. Delatorre, León, C., Salguero, A. G., Palomo-Duarte, M., and Gervás, P., Confronting a paradox: a new perspective of the impact of uncertainty in suspense, Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 9, p. 1392, 2018.
R. Hervás, Francisco, V., Concepción, E., Sevilla, A. F. G., and Méndez, G., Creating an API Ecosystem for Assistive Technologies oriented to Cognitive Disabilities, IEEE Access, 2024.PDF icon Creating_an_API_Ecosystem_for_Assistive_Technologies_Oriented_to_Cognitive_Disabilities.pdf (1.98 MB)
Á. Rodrigo, Peñas, A., Herrera, J., Verdejo, F., Peters, C., Clough, P., Gey, F. C., Karlgren, J., Magnini, B., Oard, D. W., de Rijke, M., and Stempfhuber, M., The Effect of Entity Recognition on Answer Validation, Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information Retrieval. 7th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2006. Revised Selected Papers, vol. 4730. Springer, Alicante, Spain, p. 483--489, 2007.PDF icon ave2006lncs.pdf (202.3 KB)
F. Peinado, Santorum, M., and Ordóñez, J. Pablo, El juegofórum: experiencias en el análisis colaborativo de videojuegos dentro del ámbito universitario, in Congreso Internacional de Videojuegos y Educación, Alfaz del Pi, Alicante, España, 2012.
P. Gutiérrez Merino, Suárez, G. Eugercios, Popova, E. Kaloyanova, Francisco, V., and Hervás, R., EmoTraductor: Análisis Emocional para la Inclusión Digital, in IV Congreso Internacional Universidad y Discapacidad (CIUD 2018), Madrid, Spain, 2018.PDF icon EmoTraductor-CIUD2018.pdf (321.42 KB)
A. Tapscott, Gómez, J., León, C., Smailovic, J., Znidarsic, M., and Gervás, P., Empirical Evidence of the Limits of Automatic Assessment of Fictional Ideation, in C3GI at ESSLLI 2016 Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence, 2016.
A. F. G. Sevilla, Fernandez-Isabel, A., and Díaz, A., Enriched semantic graphs for extractive text summarization, in Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2016.
Á. Rodrigo, Peñas, A., Herrera, J., Verdejo, F., Sekine, S., Inui, K., Dagan, I., Dolan, B., Giampiccolo, D., and Magnini, B., Experiments of UNED at the Third Recognising Textual Entailment Challenge, Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing. Association for Computational Linguistics, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 89--94, 2007.PDF icon W07-1415.pdf (319.14 KB)
A. F. G. Sevilla, Fernandez-Isabel, A., and Díaz, A., Grafeno: Semantic graph extraction and operation, in International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2016), 2016.
