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Conference Paper
C. León, Peinado, F., and Navarro, A., An Intelligent Plot-Centric Interface for Mastering Computer Role-Playing Games, in First Joint International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, Erfurt, Germany, 2008.PDF icon icids08.pdf (343.07 KB)
F. Peinado and Navarro, A., RCEI: An API for Remote Control of Narrative Environments, in 4th International Conference on Virtual Storytelling: Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Storytelling (ICVS), Saint-Malo, France, 2007, vol. 4871, pp. 181-186.PDF icon 2007-peinado-rcei-PUBLISHED.pdf (1 MB)
F. Peinado, Navarro, A., and Gervás, P., A Testbed Environment for Interactive Storytellers, in 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (INTETAIN), Playa del Carmen, Cancun, Mexico, 2008.PDF icon 2008-peinado-testbed-PUBLISHED.pdf (545.97 KB)