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“Adding Suspense to a Story Generation System through a Cognitive Model of the Impact of affective Terms”, in {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence (C3GI 2017)}, Madrid, Spain, 2017.
, “Agenda colaborativa para el aprendizaje de idiomas: del papel al dispositivo móvil”, RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, vol. 20, 2017.
Berns 2017 - Agenda colaborativa - preprint.pdf (1.08 MB)
“A component-based architecture for suspense modelling”, in Proceedings of AISB 2016's Third International Symposium on Computational Creativity (CC2016), 2016.
Delatorre 2016 - A component architecture for suspense modelling.pdf (116.13 KB)
“A computational model of the cognitive impact of decorative elements on the perception of suspense”, Connection Science, vol. 29, pp. 295-331, 2017.
, “Confronting a paradox: a new perspective of the impact of uncertainty in suspense”, Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 9, p. 1392, 2018.
, “Diseño de un Juego Serio basado en el Suspense”, in Proceedings 2nd Congreso de la Sociedad Española para las Ciencias del Videojuego, Barcelona, Spain, June 24, 2015, 2015.
Delatorre 2015 - Juego serio basado en el suspense.pdf (2.97 MB)
“Estudios preliminares sobre el suspense narrativo e interactivo”, in VI Jornadas Predoctorales de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería, 2015.
Delatorre 2015 - Estudios preliminares del suspense.pdf (149.73 KB)
“Formalising suspense from immersive environments”, in Proceedings 3rd Congreso de la Sociedad Española para las Ciencias del Videojuego, 2016.
Delatorre 2016 - Suspense from immerisve environments.pdf (401.4 KB)
“Information management in interactive and non-interactive suspenseful storytelling”, Connection Science, vol. 31, pp. 82-101, 2019.
, “Outcome inference based on threat resources in suspenseful scenes”, in {Proceedings of 5th AISB Symposium on Computational Creativity 2018}, Liverpool (UK), 2018.