“Enrichment of Automatically Generated Texts using Metaphor”, in 6th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI-07), Aguascalientes, Mexico, 2007, vol. 4827, pp. 944–954.
HervasEtAlMICAI07.pdf (110.95 KB)
“Evolutionary Assistance in Alliteration and Allelic Drivel”, in EvoMusArt 2007,EvoWorkshops 2007, dentro de Evo* 2007 (conferencia múltiple en el campo de la Programación Evolutiva), Valencia, Spain, 2007, vol. 4448, pp. 537–546.
HervasEtAlEVOMUSART07.pdf (1.09 MB)
“Expressive Synthesis of Read Aloud Tales”, in Artificial & Ambient Intelligence (AISB'07), Culture Lab, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2007, pp. 179–186.
FranciscoetalAISB07.pdf (153.12 KB)
“On the Fly Collaborative Story-Telling: Revising Contributions to Match a Shared Partial Story Line.”, in International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity, London, 2007.
ColaborativeStoryTelling.pdf (245.05 KB)
“From the Event Log of a Social Simulation to Narrative Discourse: Content Planning in Story Generation”, in Conference of the Artificial and Ambient Intelligence, Culture Lab, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2007, pp. 402–409.
agentes07.pdf (724.56 KB)
“JBeaver: Un Analizador de Dependencias para el Español”, Revista de la Asociación Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, vol. 39, p. 285--286, 2007.
jbeaver analizador dependencias español.pdf (169.85 KB)
“JBeaver: un Analizador de Dependencias para el Español Basado en Aprendizaje”, XII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial (CAEPIA 07), vol. 2, 2 vol. Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, Salamanca, España, p. 211--220, 2007.
caepia07jbeaver.pdf (196.17 KB)
“Mixed Narrative and Dialog Content Planning Based on BDI Agents”, in XII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para Inteligencia Artificial, Salamanca, Spain, 2007.
caepia07.pdf (148.32 KB)
“NIL: Attribute Selection for Matching the Task Corpus Using Relative Attribute Groupings Obtained from the Test Data”, in First NLG Challenge on Attribute Selection for Generating Referring Expressions (ASGRE), UCNLG+MT Workshop, Machine Translation Summit XI, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007.
HervasGervasChallenge07.pdf (115.66 KB)
“Ontological Reasoning to Configure Emotional Voice Synthesis”, in Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR 2007), Innsbruck, Austria, 2007, pp. 88–102.
FranciscoEtAlRR2007.pdf (177.61 KB)
“The Role of Natural Language Generation During Adaptation in Textual CBR”, in Workshop on Textual Case-Based Reasoning: Beyond Retrieval, dentro de 7th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR’07), Northern Ireland, 2007, pp. 227–235.
GervasEtAlTCBR07.pdf (107.87 KB)
“User-model based personalized summarization”, Information Processing Management, vol. 43, pp. 1715-1734, 2007.
Diaz&Gervas2007 (IPM).pdf (232.92 KB)
“Análisis de dependencias para la marcación de cuentos con emociones”, in SEPLN 2006, Zaragoza, Spain, 2006.
FranciscoGervasSEPLN2006.pdf (156.23 KB)
“Applying the E-R Computational Creativity Model to Image Interpretation”, in 3rd Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity, dentro de la 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Italy, 2006, pp. 29-32.
er.pdf (419.44 KB)
“Automated Knowledge Acquisition in Case-Based Text Generation”, in 8th European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, Fethiye, Turkey, 2006, pp. 68–77.
FranciscoEtAlTCBR2006.pdf (128.34 KB)
“Automated Mark Up of Affective Information in English Texts”, in Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2006), Brno, Czech Republic, 2006, pp. 375–382.
FranciscoGervasTSD2006.pdf (112.61 KB)
“Case-Based Reasoning for Knowledge-Intensive Template Selection During Text Generation”, in 8th European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ECCBR-06), Fethiye, Turquía, 2006, vol. 4106, pp. 151-165.
HervasGervasECCBR06.pdf (150.13 KB)
“Cross-Domain Analogy in Automated Text Generation”, in 3rd Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity, dentro de la 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Italy, 2006, pp. 43-48.
HervasEtAlCC06.pdf (165.88 KB)
“Evaluation of Automatic Generation of Basic Stories”, New Generation Computing, vol. 24, pp. 289-302, 2006.
2006-peinado-evaluation-PRE.pdf (183.79 KB)
“Exploring the Compositionality of Emotions in Text: Word Emotions, Sentence Emotions and Automated Tagging”, in Computational Aesthetics: Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Beauty and Happiness, Boston, 2006.
FranciscoGervasAAAI2006.pdf (82.46 KB)
“A Framework for the E-R Computational Creativity Model”, in 5th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI-06), Apizaco, Mexico, 2006, vol. 4293, pp. 70-80.
GarciaEtAlMICAI06.pdf (419.44 KB)
“Minstrel Reloaded: From the Magic of Lisp to the Formal Semantics of OWL”, in 3rd International Conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment (TIDSE), Darmstadt, Germany, 2006, vol. 4326, pp. 93-97.
2006-peinado-minstrel.pdf (84.98 KB)
“A Multiagent Text Generator with Simple Rhetorical Habilities”, in Computational Aesthetics: Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Beauty and Happiness (Workshop from AAAI-06), Boston, USA, 2006, pp. 37-44.
CABH06.pdf (169.49 KB)
“Narrative Models: Narratology Meets Artificial Intelligence”, in International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Satellite Workshop: Toward Computational Models of Literary Analysis, Genova, Italy, 2006, pp. 44-51.
2006-gervas-narrative.pdf (165.22 KB)
“A Text Generation System that Uses Simple Rhetorical Figures”, Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural, vol. 37, pp. 199-206, 2006.
HervasEtAlSEPLN06.pdf (134.97 KB)