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K. Monteith, Francisco, V., Martinez, T., Gervás, P., and Ventura, D., Automatic Generation of Emotionally-Targeted Soundtracks, in Second International Conference on Computational Creativity, México City, México, 2011.PDF icon monteith_iccc11.pdf (981.04 KB)
P. Gervás, Dynamic Inspiring Sets for Sustained Novelty in Poetry Generation, in Second International Conference on Computational Creativity, México City, México, 2011.PDF icon gervas_iccc11.pdf (1010.7 KB)
V. Francisco, Hervás, R., Peinado, F., and Gervás, P., EmoTales: creating a corpus of folk tales with emotional annotations, Language Resources and Evaluation, vol. 45, 2011.PDF icon LRE_FranciscoGervasPeinadoGervas_2011.pdf (647.7 KB)
S. Bautista, León, C., Hervás, R., and Gervás, P., Empirical Identification of Text Simplification Strategies for Reading-Impaired People, in European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 2011.PDF icon AAATE_BautistaLeonHervasGervas.pdf (92.8 KB)
S. Bautista, Hervás, R., Gervás, P., Power, R., and Williams, S., Experimental Identification of the Use of Hedges in the Simplification of Numerical Expressions, Second Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT). Edinburgh, UK, 2011.PDF icon BautistaetAl_SLPAT.pdf (169.11 KB)
S. Bautista, Hervás, R., Gervás, P., Power, R., and Williams, S., How to Make Numerical Information Accessible: Experimental Identification of Simplification Strategies, in Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Lisbon, Portugal, 2011.PDF icon BautistaEtAl.pdf (199.01 KB)
M. Ballesteros, Francisco, V., Díaz, A., Herrera, J., and Gervás, P., Inferring the Scope of Negation and Speculation Via Dependency Analysis, in XXVII Congreso de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN 2011). Demo., 2011.PDF icon seplndemo_v1_mbm.pdf (143.62 KB)
M. Ballesteros, Francisco, V., Díaz, A., Herrera, J., and Gervás, P., Inferring the Scope of Speculation Using Dependency Analysis, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR 2011), 2011.PDF icon kdir_2011_spec.pdf (233.67 KB)
J. Carrillo de Albornoz, Plaza, L., Gervás, P., and Díaz, A., A Joint Model of Feature Mining and Sentiment Analysis for Product Review Rating, in Proceedings of the 33rd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2011), 2011.PDF icon paper.pdf (280.07 KB)
P. Gervás and Ballesteros, M., A Proposal for a Spanish Surface Realization Shared Task, in Generation Challenges 2011 Session at 13th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG 2011), 2011.PDF icon sr_spa_task_v3_mbm.pdf (173.7 KB)
L. Plaza, Díaz, A., and Gervás, P., A semantic graph-based approach to biomedical summarisation, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 53, 2011.PDF icon AIIM2011.pdf (1.09 MB)
C. León and Gervás, P., A Top-Down Design Methodology based on Causality and Chronology for Developing Assisted Story Generation Systems, in 8th ACM conference on Creativity and cognition, Atlanta, Georgia, USA., 2011.PDF icon cc294-leon.pdf (127.2 KB)
C. León and Gervás, P., A Top-Down Design Methodology based on Causality and Chronology for Developing Assisted Story Generation Systems, in 8th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition, Atlanta, 2011.PDF icon cc294-leon.pdf (127.2 KB)
P. Gervás, UCM Submission to the Surface Realization Challenge, in Surface Realization Challenge. Challenges 2011 Session at 13th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG 2011), Nancy, France, 2011.PDF icon UCM-SRTask.pdf (63.11 KB)
S. Bautista, Drndarevic, B., Hervás, R., Saggion, H., and Gervás, P., Análisis de la Simplificación de Expresiones Numéricas en Español mediante un estudio Empírico., Linguamática, vol. 4,n.2, 2012.PDF icon BautistaEtAl.pdf (421.84 KB)
M. Ballesteros, Herrera, J., Francisco, V., and Gervás, P., Analyzing the CoNLL-X Shared Task from a Sentence Accuracy Perspective, SEPLN Journal Nº48, 2012.PDF icon sepln_v1_mbm.pdf (226.29 KB)
M. Ballesteros, Herrera, J., Francisco, V., and Gervás, P., Are the existing training corpora unnecessarily large?, SEPLN Journal Nº48, 2012.PDF icon sepln_v1_mbm_unnecesarily.pdf (523.6 KB)
T. de Salas, Rodríguez, M., Vargas, A. B., Bautista, S., Hervás, R., and Gervás, P., Desarrollo de una aplicación de ayuda para la redacción de textos simplificados, in I Congreso Internacional Universidad y Discapacidad, 2012.PDF icon SinopsisMartaRodriguezEtAl.pdf (33 KB)
V. Francisco and Gervás, P., EmoTag: An Approach to Automated Markup of Emotions in Texts, Computational Intelligence, 2012.PDF icon FranciscoGervasCI.pdf (631.32 KB)
M. Ballesteros, Herrera, J., Francisco, V., and Gervás, P., Enhancing Dependency Analysis by Combining Specific Dependency Parsers, in Artificial Intelligence and Hybrid Systems, IConcept Press. In press., 2012.PDF icon document.pdf (620.25 KB)
P. Gervás, From the Fleece of Fact to Narrative Yarns: a Computational Model of Composition, in Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative, 2012 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC'2012) , Istambul, Turkey, 2012.PDF icon 47_FinalPaper.pdf (105.25 KB)
M. Ballesteros, Francisco, V., Díaz, A., Herrera, J., and Gervás, P., Inferring the Scope of Negation in Biomedical Documents, in 13th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLING 2012), New Delhi, 2012.PDF icon cicling2012_v6_mbm.pdf (323.03 KB)
E. M. Gil, Gervás, P., Hervás, R., and Jiménez, L., INTERpretación de diálogos en mensajería instantánea bajo sistemas SAACs (INTERSAACs), in I Congreso Internacional Universidad y Discapacidad, 2012.PDF icon SinopsisEvaGil.pdf (84 KB)
P. Gervás, de Antonio, A., and Amores, G., MILES (Modelos de Interacción centrados en Lenguaje, Espacio y Semántica computacional), in Congreso de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN 2012), Castellón, Spain, 2012.PDF icon milesARTsepln CRC.pdf (145.78 KB)
C. León and Gervás, P., Prototyping the Use of Plot Curves to Guide Story Generation, in Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative, 2012 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC'2012), Istambul, Turkey, 2012.PDF icon leon_gervas_cmn12.pdf (116.75 KB)
