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“Story Plot Generation based on CBR”, in 24th SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI-2004), Cambridge, UK, 2004. GervasetalAI2004.pdf (313.9 KB)
, “Poetry Generation in COLIBRI”, in Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Case Based Reasoning, Aberdeen, Scotland, 2002. DiazetalECCBR2002.pdf (248.72 KB)
, “JADAWeb: A CBR System for Cooking Recipes. ”, in 18th International Conference on Case-based Reasoning., Alessandria, Italy, 2010, pp. 179-188. cookingcontest.pdf (531.87 KB)
, “A Description Logic Ontology for Fairy Tale Generation”, in 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Procs. of the Workshop on Language Resources for Linguistic Creativity, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004, pp. 56-61. 2004-peinado-description.pdf (312.19 KB)
, “ColibriCook: A CBR System for Ontology-Based Recipe Retrieval and Adaptation”, 2008. jccook.pdf (191.4 KB)
, “A Case Based Reasoning Approach to Story Plot Generation”, in Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Case Based Reasoning (ECCBR). Advances in Case-Based Reasoning, Madrid, Spain, 2004, pp. 142-156. 2004-diaz-case.pdf (431.26 KB)
, “Adaptation Guided Retrieval Based on Formal Concept Analysis”, in Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development, Procs. of the 5th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, 2003.
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