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Journal Article
P. Gervás, Un modelo computacional para la generación automática de poesía formal en Castellano, Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural, pp. 19–26, 2000.PDF icon castellano.pdf (367.65 KB)
P. Moreno-Ger, Martínez-Ortiz, I., Francisco, V., and Hervás, R., TrivialCV: Competitive Activities for the Classroom Integrated in a Moodle Virtual Campus, IEEE Journal of Latin-American Learning Techonologies, vol. 8, p. 8, 2013.PDF icon RitaInglesVersionPublicada.pdf (230.61 KB)
P. Moreno-Ger, Martínez-Ortiz, I., Francisco, V., and Hervás, R., TrivialCV: Actividades Competitivas en Clase Integradas con un Campus Virtual Moodle , Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje (IEEE-RITA), vol. 7, 2012.
J. Herrera and Gervás, P., Towards a Dependency Parser for Greek Using a Small Training Data Set, Revista de la Asociación Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, vol. 41, p. 29--36, 2008.PDF icon dependency parser greek sepln 08.pdf (371.11 KB)
A. Díaz and Gervás, P., Three Information Filtering Applications on the Internet Driven by Linguistic Techniques , Revue Francaise de Linguistique Appliquée , vol. V, pp. 137-149, 2000.
R. Hervás, Camara Pereira, F., Gervás, P., and Cardoso, A., A Text Generation System that Uses Simple Rhetorical Figures, Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural, vol. 37, pp. 199-206, 2006.PDF icon HervasEtAlSEPLN06.pdf (134.97 KB)
H. Kerras, Bautista, S., and Gómez, M. D. de- Migu, Technology, rurality and gender… false friends, but not enemies! , Outlook on Agriculture, 2022.
J. L. Bosque, Herrero, P., Mata, S., and Méndez, G., Teaching about Madrid: A collaborative agents-based distributed learning course, Multiagent and Grid Systems, vol. 7, 2011.PDF icon VersionFinalMAGS.pdf (28.11 MB)
L. Plaza, Jimeno, A., Díaz, A., and Aronson, A., Studying the correlation between different word sense disambiguation methods and summarization effectiveness in biomedical texts, BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 12, 2011.PDF icon BMC2011.pdf (522.48 KB)
P. Gervás, Storytelling systems: Progress towards generation informed by models of the reader, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, vol. 49, pp. 269-290, 2024.PDF icon gervas-2024-storytelling-systems-progress-towards-generation-informed-by-models-of-the-reader.pdf (382.51 KB)
A. de Antonio, Ramírez, J., Imbert, R., Méndez, G., and Aguilar, R. A., A Software Architecture for Intelligent Virtual Environments Applied to Education, Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería, vol. 13, pp. 47–55, 2005.PDF icon art06.pdf (1.03 MB)
A. García, Chacón, I., Díaz, A., and Gervás, P., Sistemas de información en Internet: estudio de un caso, Investigación Bibliotecológica, vol. 14, pp. 114-129, 2000.
L. Plaza, Carrillo de Albornoz, J., and Prados, J. C., Sistemas de Acceso Inteligente a la Información Biomédica: una Revisión, Revista Internacional de Ciencias Podológicas, vol. 4, 2010.PDF icon RICP1010120007A.pdf (105.46 KB)
L. Plaza, Díaz, A., and Gervás, P., A semantic graph-based approach to biomedical summarisation, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 53, 2011.PDF icon AIIM2011.pdf (1.09 MB)
A. Díaz, Gervás, P., García, A., and Chacón, I., Sections, Categories and Keywords as Interest Specification Tools for Personalised News Services, Online Information Review, vol. 25, pp. 149-159, 2001.
C. León and Gervás, P., The Role of Evaluation Driven Rejection in the Successful Exploration of a Conceptual Space of Stories, Minds and Machines, 2010.PDF icon mm10_leon_gervas.pdf (364.79 KB)
L. Plaza, Stevenson, M., and Díaz, A., Resolving Ambiguity in Biomedical Text to Improve Summarization, Information Processing & Management, vol. 48(4), 2012.
C. León, Gervás, P., Delatorre, P., and Tapscott, A., Quantitative Characteristics of Human‑Written Short Stories as a Metric for Automated Storytelling, New Generation Computing, vol. 38, 2020.
G. Méndez, de Antonio, A., and Herrero, P., Prvir: An integration between an intelligent tutoring system and a virtual environment, SCI2001, vol. 8, pp. 175–180, 2001.PDF icon P000954.pdf (123.28 KB)
R. Hervás and Francisco, V., Proyecto IDiLyCo. Tecnologías Lingüísticas para la Inclusión Digital con un Enfoque Centrado en el Usuario, Interacción Revista digital de AIPO, vol. 5, pp. 31-43, 2024.
R. Hervás, Bautista, S., Méndez, G., Galván, P., and Gervás, P., Predictive Composition of Pictogram Messages for Users with Autism, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2020.PDF icon PictogramsAutismJAIHC.pdf (4.41 MB)
P. Delatorre, León, C., Salguero, A., and Tapscott, A., Predicting the effects of suspenseful outcome for automatic storytelling, Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 209, p. 106450, 2020.
A. Díaz, Personalización en Servicios de Noticias, Enlaces, vol. 7, 2007.PDF icon Diaz 2007 (ENLACES).pdf (52.32 KB)
A. Díaz and Gervás, P., Personalisation in news delivery systems: Item summarization and multi-tier item selection using relevance feedback, Web Intelligence and Agent System, vol. 3, pp. 135-154, 2005.PDF icon Diaz&Gervas2005 (WIAS).pdf (210.44 KB)
J. Herrera, Peñas, A., and Verdejo, F., Paraphrase Extraction from Validated Question Answering Corpora in Spanish, Revista de la Asociación Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, vol. 39, p. 37--44, 2007.PDF icon Herrera_Pe~nas_Verdejo_SEPLN_2007.pdf (161.15 KB)
