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Book Chapter
L. Plaza and Carrillo de Albornoz, J., Sentiment Analysis in Business Intelligence: A survey, in Customer Relationship Management and the Social and Semantic Web: Enabling Cliens Conexus, IGI‐Global, 2011, pp. 231-252.
Conference Paper
C. León, Carrillo de Albornoz, J., and Gervás, P., A Framework for Building Creative Objects From Heterogeneous Generation Systems, in 5th International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity, 2008.PDF icon ijwcc08spiel.pdf (170.56 KB)
J. Carrillo de Albornoz, Plaza, L., Gervás, P., and Díaz, A., A Joint Model of Feature Mining and Sentiment Analysis for Product Review Rating, in Proceedings of the 33rd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2011), 2011.PDF icon paper.pdf (280.07 KB)
J. Carrillo de Albornoz, Plaza, L., and Gervás, P., SentiSense: An easily scalable concept-based affective lexicon for Sentiment Analysis, in The 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012), 2012.PDF icon 236_Paper.pdf (1.39 MB)
A. Díaz, Ballesteros, M., Carrillo de Albornoz, J., and Plaza, L., UCM at TREC-2012: Does negation influence the retrieval of medical reports?, in The Twenty-First Text REtrieval Conference, Gaithersburg, Maryland, Estados Unidos, 2012.
M. Ballesteros, Díaz, A., Francisco, V., Gervás, P., Carrillo de Albornoz, J., and Plaza, L., UCM-2: a Rule-Based Approach to Infer the Scope of Negation via Dependency Parsing, in *SEM Shared Task 2012. Resolving the Scope and Focus of Negation, Montreal, Canada, 2012.PDF icon naaclhlt2012.pdf (102.27 KB)
J. Carrillo de Albornoz, Plaza, L., Díaz, A., and Ballesteros, M., UCM-I: A Rule-based Syntactic Approach for Resolving the Scope of Negation, in *SEM Shared Task 2012. Resolving the Scope and Focus of Negation, 2012.PDF icon 118_Paper.pdf (168.86 KB)
Conference Proceedings
J. Carrillo de Albornoz and Gervás, P., Automated Camera Management Based on Emotional Analysis of the Film Script, Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2009 (IADIS Intenational Conference). 2009.PDF icon CGVCVIP2009.pdf (301.03 KB)
J. Carrillo de Albornoz, Plaza, L., and Gervás, P., A Hybrid Approach to Emotional Sentence Polarity and Intensity Classification, Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2010). Association for Computational Linguistics, p. 153--161, 2010.PDF icon CoNLL2010.pdf (143.47 KB)
M. Gómez-Albarrán, Bautista, S., and Carrillo de Albornoz, J., Personalized Access and Students’ Coauthoring in Repositories of Learning Objects: The Case of a Repository of Programming Examples, The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. 2008.PDF icon Icalt08.pdf (306.72 KB)
J. Carrillo de Albornoz, Ruiz Santa Quiteria, J. A., Moreno, M. A., Díaz, A., and Cid, D., “SIEPSA”: SIMULACIÓN DE UNA INVESTIGACIÓN EPIDEMIOLÓGICA EN SANIDAD ANIMAL, V Congreso Iberoamericano de Docencia Universitaria. 2008.
J. Carrillo de Albornoz, Garmendia, L., and Gervás, P., Sistema automático de decisión del plano de cámara en videojuegos y entornos virtuales, Segundo Congreso Internacional de Matemáticas en la Ingeniería y la Arquitectura. 2008.PDF icon M&I2.pdf (199.03 KB)
Journal Article
J. Carrillo de Albornoz and Plaza, L., An Emotion-based Model of Negation, Intensifiers, and Modality for Polarity and Intensity Classification, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST). In press, 2012.
J. Carrillo de Albornoz, Plaza, L., and Gervás, P., Improving Emotional Intensity Classification using Word Sense Disambiguation, Special issue: Natural Language Processing and its Applications. Journal on Research in Computing Science, vol. 46, 2010.PDF icon JRCS462010.pdf (287.04 KB)
L. Plaza, Carrillo de Albornoz, J., and Prados, J. C., Sistemas de Acceso Inteligente a la Información Biomédica: una Revisión, Revista Internacional de Ciencias Podológicas, vol. 4, 2010.PDF icon RICP1010120007A.pdf (105.46 KB)