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Conference Proceedings
Á. Rodrigo, Peñas, A., Herrera, J., Verdejo, F., Sekine, S., Inui, K., Dagan, I., Dolan, B., Giampiccolo, D., and Magnini, B., Experiments of UNED at the Third Recognising Textual Entailment Challenge, Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing. Association for Computational Linguistics, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 89--94, 2007.PDF icon W07-1415.pdf (319.14 KB)
L. Plaza, Stevenson, M., and Díaz, A., Improving Summarization of Biomedical Documents using Word Sense Disambiguation, Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing, ACL 2010. Uppsala, Sweden, 2010.PDF icon BioNLP2010.pdf (183.62 KB)
D. Giampiccolo, Forner, P., Herrera, J., Peñas, A., Ayache, C., Cristea, D., Jijkoun, V., Osenova, P., Rocha, P., Sacaleanu, B., and Sutcliffe, R., Overview of the CLEF 2007 Multilingual Question Answering Track, Advances in Multilingual and Multimodal Information Retrieval. 8th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2007. Revised Selected Papers, vol. 5152. Springer, Budapest, Hungary, p. 200--236, 2008.PDF icon Overview QA CLEF 2007.pdf (521.88 KB)
D. Giampiccolo, Forner, P., Herrera, J., Peñas, A., Ayache, C., Cristea, D., Jijkoun, V., Osenova, P., Rocha, P., Sacaleanu, B., and Sutcliffe, R., Overview of the CLEF 2007 Multilingual Question Answering Track, Advances in Multilingual and Multimodal Information Retrieval. 8th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2007. Revised Selected Papers, vol. 5152. Springer, Budapest, Hungary, p. 200--236, 2008.PDF icon Overview QA CLEF 2007.pdf (521.88 KB)
J. Herrera, Peñas, A., Verdejo, F., Marín, R., Onaindia, E., Bugarín, A., and Santos, J., Techniques for Recognizing Textual Entailment and Semantic Equivalence, 11th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2005. Revised Selected Papers, vol. 4177. Springer, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, p. 418--428, 2006.PDF icon Herrera_Pe~nas_Verdejo_CAEPIA05_LNAI.pdf (137.24 KB)
J. Herrera, Peñas, A., Verdejo, F., Marín, R., Onaindia, E., Bugarín, A., and Santos, J., Técnicas Aplicadas al Reconocimiento de Implicación Textual, XI Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, vol. 2, 2 vol. Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, Santiago de Compostela, España, p. 243--252, 2005.PDF icon Herrera_Pe~nas_Verdejo_CAEPIA05_wn.pdf (134.39 KB)
Journal Article
S. Bautista, Drndarevic, B., Hervás, R., Saggion, H., and Gervás, P., Análisis de la Simplificación de Expresiones Numéricas en Español mediante un estudio Empírico., Linguamática, vol. 4,n.2, 2012.PDF icon BautistaEtAl.pdf (421.84 KB)
A. Romero-Hernandez, Gonzalez-Riojo, M., Sagredo-Olivenza, I., and Manero, B., Comparison of a Tablet Versus Computer-Based Classical Theatre Game Among 8–13 Year Children, IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 44283–44291, 2021.
P. Xiao, Toivonen, H., Gross, O., Cardoso, A., Correia, J., Machado, P., Martins, P., Oliveira, H. G., Sharma, R., Pinto, A. Miguel, Díaz, A., Francisco, V., Gervás, P., Hervás, R., León, C., Forth, J., Purver, M., Wiggins, G. A., Miljković, D., Podpečan, V., Pollak, S., Kralj, J., ,, Bohanec, M., Lavrac, N., Urbančič, T., Van Der Velde, F., and Battersby, S., Conceptual Representations for Computational Concept Creation, ACM Comput. Surv., vol. 52, pp. 9:1–9:33, 2019.PDF icon a9-xiao-with-supp.pdf (4.11 MB)
P. Delatorre, León, C., Salguero, A. G., Palomo-Duarte, M., and Gervás, P., Confronting a paradox: a new perspective of the impact of uncertainty in suspense, Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 9, p. 1392, 2018.
R. Hervás, Francisco, V., Concepción, E., Sevilla, A. F. G., and Méndez, G., Creating an API Ecosystem for Assistive Technologies oriented to Cognitive Disabilities, IEEE Access, 2024.
F. Peinado and Santorum, M., De cómo la realidad puede tomar parte en juegos emergentes, La Revista Icono 14, vol. 8, 2006.PDF icon 2006-peinado-realidad.pdf (543.21 KB)
A. F. G. Sevilla and Lahoz-Bengoechea, J. María, A different description of orientation in sign languages, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, pp. 53–60, 2019.
P. Delatorre, Salguero, A., León, C., and Tapscott, A., The Impact of Context on Affective Norms: A Case of Study With Suspense, Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 10, p. 1988, 2019.
P. Delatorre, León, C., and Salguero, A., Improving the Fitness Function of an Evolutionary Suspense Generator Through Sentiment Analysis, IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 39626–39635, 2021.
P. Delatorre, León, C., Salguero, A., Palomo-Duarte, M., and Gervás, P., Information management in interactive and non-interactive suspenseful storytelling, Connection Science, vol. 31, pp. 82-101, 2019.
R. Hervás, Bautista, S., Rodríguez, M., de Salas, T., Vargas, A. B., and Gervás, P., Integration of lexical and syntactic simplification capabilities in a text editor, Procedia Computer Science, 2013.PDF icon DSAI2013-HervasEtAl_CRC.pdf (119.16 KB)
F. Peinado and Santorum, M., Juego Emergente: ¿Nuevas Formas de Contar Historias en Videojuegos, La Revista Icono 14, vol. 4, 2005.PDF icon 2005-peinado-juego.pdf (262.71 KB)
S. Bautista and Saggion, H., Making Numerical Information more Accessible: Implementation of a Numerical Expressions Simplification Component for Spanish, ITL- International Journal of Applied Linguistics, pp. 299-323, 2014.PDF icon Bautista_Saggion_CR_ITL_SIRS.pdf (455.47 KB)
P. Delatorre, León, C., Salguero, A., and Tapscott, A., Optimizing player and viewer amusement in suspense video games, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 85338–85353, 2019.
P. Delatorre, León, C., Salguero, A., and Tapscott, A., Predicting the effects of suspenseful outcome for automatic storytelling, Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 209, p. 106450, 2020.
L. Plaza, Stevenson, M., and Díaz, A., Resolving Ambiguity in Biomedical Text to Improve Summarization, Information Processing & Management, vol. 48(4), 2012.
