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“Identificación Automática del Contenido Afectivo de un Texto y su Papel en la Presentación de Información”, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, 2008. Tesis Virginia Francisco.pdf (3.3 MB)
, “TrivialCV: Competitive Activities for the Classroom Integrated in a Moodle Virtual Campus”, IEEE Journal of Latin-American Learning Techonologies, vol. 8, p. 8, 2013. RitaInglesVersionPublicada.pdf (230.61 KB)
, “TrivialCV: Actividades Competitivas en Clase Integradas con un Campus Virtual Moodle ”, Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje (IEEE-RITA), vol. 7, 2012.
, “Proyecto IDiLyCo. Tecnologías Lingüísticas para la Inclusión Digital con un Enfoque Centrado en el Usuario”, Interacción Revista digital de AIPO, vol. 5, pp. 31-43, 2024.
, “Ontology-Supported Automated Mark Up of Affective Information in Texts”, Special Issue of Language Forum on Computational Treatment of Language, vol. 34, pp. 23 - 36, 2008. FranciscoGervasCICLing2008.pdf (168.33 KB)
, “Ontological reasoning for improving the treatment of emotions in text”, Knowledge and Information Systems, vol. 24, p. 23, 2010. KAIS2010.pdf (952.52 KB)
, “Influence of personal choices on lexical variability in referring expressions”, Natural Language Engineering, vol. 22, pp. 257-290, 2016. HervasEtAl_NLE_2016.pdf (480.66 KB)
, “Improving Parsing Accuracy for Spanish using Maltparser”, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, vol. 44, pp. 83-90, 2010. Ballesteros_et_al_PLN_2010.pdf (935.54 KB)
, “The Impact of Activity Design in Internet Plagiarism in Higher Education”, Comunicar, pp. 39–47, 2016. 10.3916-C48-2016-04-english.pdf (968.08 KB)
, “Exploring the Potential of Concept Associations for the Creative Generation of Linguistic Artifacts: a Case Study with Riddles and Rhetorical Figures”, Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 9, 2018. FrontiersVersionPublicada.pdf (876.02 KB)
, “EmoTales: creating a corpus of folk tales with emotional annotations”, Language Resources and Evaluation, vol. 45, 2011. LRE_FranciscoGervasPeinadoGervas_2011.pdf (647.7 KB)
, “EmoTag: An Approach to Automated Markup of Emotions in Texts”, Computational Intelligence, 2012. FranciscoGervasCI.pdf (631.32 KB)
, “El impacto del diseño de actividades en el plagio de Internet en educación superior”, Comunicar, vol. XXIV, p. 48, 2016. Comunicar2016.pdf (554.81 KB)
, “Design and evaluation of ECO: an augmentative and alternative communication tool”, Universal Access in the Information Society, 2022.
, “Creating an API Ecosystem for Assistive Technologies oriented to Cognitive Disabilities”, IEEE Access, 2024. Creating_an_API_Ecosystem_for_Assistive_Technologies_Oriented_to_Cognitive_Disabilities.pdf (1.98 MB)
, “Conceptual Representations for Computational Concept Creation”, ACM Comput. Surv., vol. 52, pp. 9:1–9:33, 2019. a9-xiao-with-supp.pdf (4.11 MB)
, “Co-creation and evaluation of an app to support reminiscence therapy interventions for older people with dementia”, Digital Health, 2024.
, “Assessing the Novelty of Computer-Generated Narratives using Empirical Metrics”, MINDS AND MACHINES, vol. 20, p. 588, 2010. M&M_PeinadoFranciscoHervasGervas_2010.pdf (240 KB)
, “Assessing the influence of personal preferences on the choice of vocabulary for natural language generation”, Information Processing and Management, vol. 49, 2013. HervasEtAlIPM13.pdf (1.76 MB)
, “Are the existing training corpora unnecessarily large?”, SEPLN Journal Nº48, 2012. sepln_v1_mbm_unnecesarily.pdf (523.6 KB)
, “Application of Competitive Activities to Improve Students’ Participation”, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, vol. 15, pp. 2-14, 2022.
, “Analyzing the CoNLL-X Shared Task from a Sentence Accuracy Perspective”, SEPLN Journal Nº48, 2012. sepln_v1_mbm.pdf (226.29 KB)
, “Análisis y síntesis de expresión emocional en cuentos leídos en voz alta”, Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, vol. 35, pp. 293–300, 2005. FranciscoGervasSEPLN2005.pdf (173.98 KB)
, “Affect Recognition from Speech”, Artificial Intelligence in Education, vol. 200. IOS Press, pp. 683-685, 2009. AIED2009.pdf (1.08 MB)
, “A User-Centred Methodology for the Development of Computer-Based Assistive Technologies for Individuals with Autism”, in 17th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2019), Paphos, Cyprus, 2019. Hervasetal-interact2019.pdf (643.72 KB)