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Natural Interaction based on Language
NIL research group at UCM
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Acero, Ignacio
Aggarwal, Alaukik
Aguilar, Raúl Antonio
Aker, Ahmet
Aladro, Eva
Alcojor, Matías
Almagro, Alberto
Alvarez, Ibis
Alvarez-Ayerza, Nahum
Alves, Ana Oliveira
Alves, Ana
Amescua, Antonio
Amor, Matías
Amores, Gabriel
Ancochea, M
Antonio, Angélica
Arfè, Barbara
Arfé, Barbara
Aronson, Alan
Arroyo, Javier
Arroyo, Millán
Avila-Alvarez, Adriana
Ayache, Christelle
Baeza-Yates, Ricardo
Bagó, Axel
Ballesteros, Miguel
Barbero García, Isabel
Baron, Archie
Battersby, Stuart
Bautista, S.
Bautista, Susana
Beltrán-Ferruz, Pablo
Bento, Carlos
Berns, Anke
Besold, Tarek R publishe
Blat, Josep
Bohanec, Marko
Bokharaeian, Behrouz
Bonett, M.C.
Bosque, José Luis
Bott, Stefan
Buenaga, Manuel de
Bugarín, Alberto
Burga, Alicia
Camara Pereira, Francisco
Caño, Paloma Tudela
Cárdenas, Miriela M
Cárdenas, Miriela
Cardoso, Amílcar
Cardoso, Amílcar
Carrillo de Albornoz, Jorge
Cavazza, Marc
Chacón, Inmaculada
Charnley, John
Chaves, Alberto
Chiruzzo, Luis
Chiruzzo, Luis
Cid, Dolores
Clough, Paul
Colás, Joaquim
Collins, Nick
Colton, Simon
Concepción, Eugenio
Correia, João
Corsetti, Barbara
Cortés, C.
Costa, Hugo
Costa, Rui
Craw, S
Cristea, Dan
Cruz, Antonio
Dagan, Ido
Darányi, Sándor
De-Rosende-Celeiro, Iván
Declerck, Thierry
Delatorre, Pablo
Delatorre, P.
Delatorre, Pablo
Delatorre, Pablo
DeMiguel, J
Díaz, Alberto
Díaz-Agudo, Belén
Díaz-Faes-Perez, César
Dionne, Daniel
Dodero-Beardo, Juan-Manuel
Dolan, Bill
Doust, Richard
Drndarevic, Biljana
d’Alché-Buc, Florence
El-Yamri, M.
El-Yamri, M.
El-Yamri, Meriem
Escribano, Flavio
Escribano, J J
Escribano, J J
Espinosa, Gómez
Fernández, Juan Miguel
Fernandez-Isabel, Alberto
Fernández-Muñoz, Cristóbal
Finlayson, Mark
Forner, Pamela
Forth, Jamie
Francisco, Virginia
Gaizauskas, Robert
Gale, Catherine V.
Gale, Catherine V
Galván, Paloma
García, A.
García, Pía Paraja
García, Carlos
García, Rodrigo
García, Antonio
García, Rodrigo
García-Ortiz, Javier
García-Sánchez, P.
García-Vega, Manuel
Garmendia, Luis
Gelbukh, Alexander
Gervás, Pablo
Gey, F C
Giampiccolo, Danilo
Gil, Eva María
Gómez, José María
Gómez, M. D. de-Migu
Gómez, Javier
Gómez-Albarrán, Mercedes
Gómez-Espinosa, María
Gómez-Gauchía, Héctor
Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos
Gonçalves, Joao Carlos
Góngora, Santiago
Góngora, Santiago
González, Mónica
González-Calero, Pedro Antonio
Gonzalez-Riojo, M.
Gonzalez-Riojo, Manuel
Gonzalez-Riojo, M.
Gonzalo, Julio
Greenfield, Gary
Gross, Oskar
Guasch, Daniel
Guijarro, María
Gupta, Kalyan Moy
Hassan, Samer
Hepworth, Rose
Hernandez, Alejandro Romero
Hernández-Gil, Agustín
Herrera, Jesús
Herrero, Pilar
Herrero, Santiago
Hervás, Raquel
Holgado Tello, Francisco Pablo
Ibáñez, Manuel López
Imbert, Ricardo
Inui, Kentaro
Iparraguirre, Alejandro Andrés
Isla-Montes, José-Luis Isla
Jerónimo, Javier
Jijkoun, Valentin
Jiménez, Leticia
Jimeno, Antonio
Jimeno-Yepes, A J
Jones, Gareth J F
Jorro-Aragoneses, Jose Luis
Julca, Frank
Kalluri, Pratyusha
Karlgren, Jussi
Kerras, H.
Kluck, Michael
Kralj, Jan
Kranjc, Janez
Kray, Christian
Kumar, Mayuresh
Kutz, Oliver
Laclaustra, Iván M
Lahoz-Bengoechea, José María
Lavrac, Nada
Ledesma, José L
Lemaitre, C
Lendvai, Piroska
León, Carlos
León, Carlos
León, Carlos
Linkola, Simo M.
Linkola, Simo
Llano, Maria Teresa
Lloret, Elena
Lloyd, James Robert
Lönneker, Birte
López, Enrique
López-Calle, José Luis
López-Calle, José Luis
López-Ibáñez, Manuel
López-Mañas, Enrique
Machado, Penousal
Macías, José A.
Madrid, R.Ignacio
Madueño, Francisco
Magnini, Bernardo
Malec, Scott
Maña, Manuel
Manero, Borja
Manero, B.
Manero, B.
Marín, Roque
Martín, Raúl
Martín, Marco Antonio Gómez
Martín, Oliver
Martín, Pedro Pablo Gómez
Martín, Alejandro
Martín-Escalona, Israel
Martinez, Tony
Martínez-Díaz, Carlos
Martínez-González, J.-M.
Martínez-Ortiz, Iván
Martins, Pedro
Martins, Pedro
Masó, Isabel
Mason, Lucia
Mata, Susana
Mateo-Gil, Cristina
Meister, Jan Chrisoph
Mendes, Mateus
Méndez, Gonzalo
Meriem, EL-YAMRI
Merino, Paloma Gutiérrez
Miljković, Dragana
Mille, Simon
Miranda, Maximiliano
Monteith, Kristine
Morata, Antonio Calvo
Morata Ramírez, María Ángeles
Moreno, Alfonso
Moreno, Manuel
Moreno, Lourdes
Moreno, Lourdes
Moreno, Miguel Angel
Moreno-Ger, Pablo
Moriano, P J
Mork, J G
Mota, Enrique
Mouronte-López, M.L.
Muñoz, Paula
Muñoz, Alfonso
Murciano, Raúl
Nardi, Alessandro
Navarro, Alvaro
Nivre, Joakim
Oard, D W
Oleteanu, Ana-Maria
Oliveira, Hugo Gonçalo
Olivier, Patrick
Onaindia, Eva
Oñate, Alejandro
Ordóñez, Juan Pablo
Osenova, Petya
Osorio, Jorge
Pachet, François
Paletta, Mauricio
Palomo-Duarte, Manuel
Palomo-Duarte, M.
Pascua, Sergio
Pavón, Juan
Pease, Alison
Peinado, Federico
Peinado, Víctor
Peñas, Anselmo
Pereira, Francisco Câmara
Perez, Cesar Diaz-Faes
Pérez, Pedro
Pérez y Pérez, R
Peters, Carol
Pinto, Alexandre Miguel
Pizzi, D
Plá, Javier
Plaza, Laura
Podpečan, Vid
Pollak, Senja
Popova, Elena Kaloyanova
Power, Richard
Prados, Juan Carlos
Preece, A
Puente, Salvador
Puertas, Enrique
Purver, Matthew
Quiñonero-Candela, Joaquín
Rabadán, Adrián
Ramírez, Jaime
Ramos, L.
Recio-García, Juan Antonio
Rello, Luz
Rickel, Jeff
Riedl, M
Righi, Valeria
Rijke, Maarten
Riojo, Manuel González
Rivero-Rodríguez, Eduardo
Robinson, Jason
Rocha, Paulo
Rodrigo, Álvaro
Rodríguez, Marta
Rodríguez-Ferreira, Teresa
Rojo, Javier
Romagnoli, Simone
Romero, Luis
Romero, Alejandro
Romero, Juan
Romero, Arturo
Romero-Hernandez, A.
Romero-Hernandez, A.
Romero-Hernandez, Alejandro
Rosa, Ricardo
Roy, Pierre
Ruiz, Víctor
Ruiz, Daniel
Ruiz Santa Quiteria, José Antonio
Ruiz-Capillas, Esther
Sacaleanu, Bogdan
Saggion, Horacio
Sagredo-Olivenza, Ismael
Salas, Teresa
Salguero, Alberto G
Salguero, Alberto
Salguero, Alberto
Sánchez, María Isabel
Sánchez, Leticia
Sánchez-Ruiz, Antonio
Santorum, Michael
Santos, José
Segura, María Isabel Sánchez
Sekine, Satoshi
Sevilla, Antonio F. G.
Sharma, Rahul
Smailovic, Jasmina
Sosa, R
Stajner, Sanja
Stempfhuber, Maximilian
Stevenson, Mark
Sturm, Bob
Suárez, Gema Eugercios
Sutcliffe, Richard
Tapscott, Alan
Tapscott, Alan
Toivonen, Hannu
Torrente, A.
Urbančič, Tanja
Ureña, Luis Alfonso
Valladares, Ramón
Vallin, Alessandro
Van Der Velde, Frank
Vargas, Ana Belén
Veale, Tony
Veale, Tony
Ventura, Dan
Verdejo, Felisa
Vicedo, José Luis
Villalobos-Sánchez, Pablo
Weyde, Tillman
Wiggins, Geraint A.
Wilder, Matthias
Williams, Sandra
Wolff, Daniel
Xiao, Ping
Xiao, Ping
Yamri, Meriem El
Zapata, Ricardo
Zhang, Li
Znidarsic, Martin
Znidarzic, Martin
Conference Paper
Conference Proceedings
Journal Article
Book Chapter
Biblio Keywords - 3d environment
Biblio Keywords - Accesibilidad
Biblio Keywords - Accesibility
Biblio Keywords - accessibility
Biblio Keywords - accessible
Biblio Keywords - accommodation
Biblio Keywords - accuracy
Biblio Keywords - adaptación
Biblio Keywords - adaptation
Biblio Keywords - Affective computing
Biblio Keywords - affective dictionary
Biblio Keywords - Affinity
Biblio Keywords - agent-based systems
Biblio Keywords - algoritmo predictivo
Biblio Keywords - análisis
Biblio Keywords - Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio
Biblio Keywords - Análisis sintáctico de dependencias
Biblio Keywords - analizador dependencias
Biblio Keywords - analogy
Biblio Keywords - answer validation
Biblio Keywords - api ecosystem
Biblio Keywords - aprendizaje automático
Biblio Keywords - artificial intelligence
Biblio Keywords - ASD
Biblio Keywords - assistive technologies
Biblio Keywords - Augmented Reality
Biblio Keywords - autism
Biblio Keywords - autism spectrum disorder
Biblio Keywords - biomedical documents
Biblio Keywords - case-based reasoning
Biblio Keywords - causality
Biblio Keywords - character affinities
Biblio Keywords - character description
Biblio Keywords - Characters
Biblio Keywords - chatbot
Biblio Keywords - chronology
Biblio Keywords - CLEF
Biblio Keywords - CNL
Biblio Keywords - comprehension
Biblio Keywords - computational creativity
Biblio Keywords - computational narrative
Biblio Keywords - computational narratology
Biblio Keywords - Concept associations
Biblio Keywords - Conceptual Blending
Biblio Keywords - content determination
Biblio Keywords - controlled natural language
Biblio Keywords - corpus
Biblio Keywords - corpus annotation
Biblio Keywords - Creativity Assessment
Biblio Keywords - deep learning
Biblio Keywords - dependecy analysis
Biblio Keywords - dependency analysis
Biblio Keywords - dependency parsing
Biblio Keywords - Description generation
Biblio Keywords - description logics
Biblio Keywords - desiderata
Biblio Keywords - dialog system
Biblio Keywords - discapacidad
Biblio Keywords - DISEQuA
Biblio Keywords - dyslexia
Biblio Keywords - easy-to-read
Biblio Keywords - editor
Biblio Keywords - Emotion
Biblio Keywords - emotional categories
Biblio Keywords - emotional dimensions
Biblio Keywords - Emotional Mark-Up
Biblio Keywords - emotional ontology
Biblio Keywords - entity recognition
Biblio Keywords - error Tipo I
Biblio Keywords - escalas Likert
Biblio Keywords - español
Biblio Keywords - Estudio de corpus
Biblio Keywords - evaluation
Biblio Keywords - evolutionary approaches
Biblio Keywords - Expresiones Numéricas
Biblio Keywords - extraction
Biblio Keywords - eye-tracking
Biblio Keywords - fácil lectura
Biblio Keywords - focalization selection
Biblio Keywords - Fuzzy Logic
Biblio Keywords - Greek
Biblio Keywords - guidance system
Biblio Keywords - hedges
Biblio Keywords - incremental generation
Biblio Keywords - índice χ2 de razón de verosimilitud
Biblio Keywords - inference
Biblio Keywords - Instruction generation
Biblio Keywords - interaction
Biblio Keywords - Internal Model
Biblio Keywords - JBeaver
Biblio Keywords - knowledge representation
Biblio Keywords - language
Biblio Keywords - large language models
Biblio Keywords - levels of understandability
Biblio Keywords - lexical simplification
Biblio Keywords - linguistic markup
Biblio Keywords - literary creativity
Biblio Keywords - literature
Biblio Keywords - LLM
Biblio Keywords - logic
Biblio Keywords - machine learning
Biblio Keywords - maltparser
Biblio Keywords - mathematical form
Biblio Keywords - Metaphor
Biblio Keywords - methodology
Biblio Keywords - método ULS
Biblio Keywords - métricas
Biblio Keywords - metrics
Biblio Keywords - microservices
Biblio Keywords - Mood
Biblio Keywords - multiagent simulation
Biblio Keywords - multilingual
Biblio Keywords - music generation
Biblio Keywords - musical theatre
Biblio Keywords - N-version dependency parser
Biblio Keywords - named entities
Biblio Keywords - named entity recognision
Biblio Keywords - narrative
Biblio Keywords - narrative composition
Biblio Keywords - narrative discourse
Biblio Keywords - narrative generation
Biblio Keywords - natural language generation
Biblio Keywords - natural language processing
Biblio Keywords - novelty
Biblio Keywords - number representation
Biblio Keywords - Numerical expression
Biblio Keywords - numerical expressions
Biblio Keywords - numerical information
Biblio Keywords - ontologies
Biblio Keywords - organization
Biblio Keywords - parallel corpora
Biblio Keywords - paraphrase
Biblio Keywords - paraphrases
Biblio Keywords - Personality
Biblio Keywords - pictogramas
Biblio Keywords - pictograms
Biblio Keywords - poetry
Biblio Keywords - poetry generation
Biblio Keywords - precisión
Biblio Keywords - predictive algorithms
Biblio Keywords - presupposition
Biblio Keywords - question answering
Biblio Keywords - readability
Biblio Keywords - recipe
Biblio Keywords - recognising textual entailment
Biblio Keywords - recognizing textual entailment
Biblio Keywords - reconocimiento implicación textual
Biblio Keywords - referring expression
Biblio Keywords - reminiscence therapy
Biblio Keywords - responsible research
Biblio Keywords - rethorical figures
Biblio Keywords - revision
Biblio Keywords - rhetorical figures
Biblio Keywords - Riddle Generation
Biblio Keywords - Riddles
Biblio Keywords - Ritchie's criteria
Biblio Keywords - RMSEA
Biblio Keywords - Scope of Negation in Biomedical Documents
Biblio Keywords - second language learning
Biblio Keywords - semantic equivalence
Biblio Keywords - semantic models
Biblio Keywords - serious games
Biblio Keywords - service architecture
Biblio Keywords - services
Biblio Keywords - shared evaluation task
Biblio Keywords - simile
Biblio Keywords - simplificación
Biblio Keywords - Simplificación de texto
Biblio Keywords - Simplificación de textos
Biblio Keywords - simplification
Biblio Keywords - simplification strategies
Biblio Keywords - small data set
Biblio Keywords - Software Agents
Biblio Keywords - software architecture
Biblio Keywords - software components
Biblio Keywords - spanish
Biblio Keywords - story generation
Biblio Keywords - summarization
Biblio Keywords - surface realization
Biblio Keywords - suspense
Biblio Keywords - syntactic simplification
Biblio Keywords - system
Biblio Keywords - task
Biblio Keywords - Text simplification
Biblio Keywords - textual accessibility
Biblio Keywords - textual entailment recognition
Biblio Keywords - traducción
Biblio Keywords - training set
Biblio Keywords - tropes
Biblio Keywords - user interface
Biblio Keywords - user testing
Biblio Keywords - user-centered design
Biblio Keywords - user-centred design
Biblio Keywords - validated corpora
Biblio Keywords - Virtual Environments
Biblio Keywords - wifi positioning
Biblio Keywords - Word Associations
Biblio Keywords - word sense disambiguation
Biblio Keywords - wordnet
dependency parsing
narrative composition
narrative generation
natural language generation
poetry generation
question answering
recognising textual entailment
story generation
Text simplification
textual entailment recognition
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