Wokshops are small group meetings that bring together researchers, students and/or professionals to share information, experience and skills on technological or professional advances that suggest promising directions for future research.
The Porgram Committee has accepted the following workshops for SEPLN 2013: TASS - Workshop on Sentiment Analysis at SEPLN and Tweet-norm - Tweet Normalization Workshop.
TASS - Workshop on Sentiment Analysis at SEPLN
- Julio Villena (Daedalus, SA)
- José Carlos González (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- Alfonso Ureña (Universidad de Jaén)
After a sucessful first edition last year, TASS aims to go one step further in the problem of opinion processing in social networks for the different varieties of Spanish language.
The main objective is to promote the application of existing state-of-the-art algorithms and techniques and the design of new ones for the implementation of complex systems able to perform sentiment analysis, entities detection and text classification on short text opinions extracted from social media (specifically Twitter). The challenge is intended to provide both a benchmark forum for comparing the latest approaches in these fields, and through the creation and release of the fully tagged corpus, a benchmark dataset that enables researchers to compare their algorithms and systems.
TASS experiments will be based on two different corpus: a general corpus, with about 68000 tweets published by a series of representative personalities and celebrities of the world of politics, economy, communication, mass media and culture; and a politics corpus which contains 2500 tweets gathered during the electoral campaign of the 2011 general election in Spain.
Using these corpus, four tasks are proposed for the participants: the first one consists on performing an automatic sentiment analysis to determine the global polarity in each tweet; the second one is about building a classifier to automatically identify the topic of each message; the third one consists on sentiment analysis but this time at entity level and finally, the last task is about identifying the political tendency of each user. Participants will be able to participate in one or several tasks as well as submit as many experiments for any of them as they wish.
Website of the workshop: http://www.daedalus.es/TASS2013
Important dates:
- Submissions: July 2013
- Author Notifications: August 2013
Tweet-norm - Tweet Normalization Workshop
- Iñaki Alegría (UPV/EHU)
La tarea de normalización de tweets (p. ej. https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P/P11/P11-1038.pdf) es de gran actualidad y tiene gran utilidad en diversos campos: traducción automática, análisis de sentimiento… Aunque sobre normalización de SMS y tweets en inglés se viene trabajando recientemente, sobre normalización de este tipo de textos en español poco o nada se ha publicado.
Partiendo de esta base diversos grupos de investigación participantes en diversos proyectos hemos pensado organizar un taller/tarea compartida de NORMALIZACION LEXICA DE TWEETS EN ESPAÑOL como evento dentro del programa de la conferencia SEPLN 2013 en Madrid, que puede ser vista como continuación/complemento de la tarea TASS, organizada en 2012 y 2013.
Website of the workshop: http://komunitatea.elhuyar.org/tweet-norm/
Important dates:
- Submissions: 15th July 2013
- Author Notifications: 25th July 2013