MaltOptimizer: A System For MaltParser Optimization

Installing MaltOptimizer

The latest version of MaltOptimizer is available from the MaltOptimizer download page.

Running MaltOptimizer requires a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). You need version JRE 1.6 or later version. If you don't have JRE installed on your system, download and install the latest version of Java Runtime Environment.

To install MaltOptimizer, unpack the MaltOptimizer distribution or MaltOptimizer-1.0.tar.gz by running one of the following commands:

Alternative 1

prompt> tar -zxvf MaltOptimizer-1.0.tar.gz

Alternative 2

prompt> gunzip MaltOptimizer-1.0.tar.gz
prompt> tar -xvf MaltOptimizer-1.0.tar

Alternative 3

prompt> unzip

The MaltOptimizer Distribution

The distribution of MaltOptimizer contains the following files and directories:

LICENSELicense information
READMEReadme file
MaltOptimizer.jarExecutable jar file
build.xmlAnt build script
bin/Binaries of MaltOptimizer
src/Java source of MaltOptimizer
docs/User guide and MaltOptimizer documentation

Testing the Installation

After installing or building MaltOptimizer, you can run it to verify that it is working properly on your system.

To run MaltOptimizer type the following at the command line prompt (it is important that you are in the MaltOptimizer-1.0 installation directory):

prompt> java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar 
If MaltOptimizer displays something like the message below, the distribution has been installed successfully.
                   MaltOptimizer 1.0
         Miguel Ballesteros* and Joakim Nivre**

          *Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)  
                **Uppsala University (Sweden)   
java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p <phase number> -m <path to MaltParser> -c <path to training corpus> [-v <validation method>]
java -jar malt.jar -h for more help and options

That's it! you are now ready to start using MaltOptimizer.