Download of ED LEW

Dear Colleague

Thank you for your interest in the Emotional Dimensions List of Emotional Words. This list stores for each pair (word’s stem, label) a value for activation, evaluation an power. This way the LEW list stores for each pair the average value of activation, evaluation and power of that pair in all the analyzed texts.

Considering our exclusively scholarly interests, we do not sell these materials. We provide them solely for use in academic, not-for-profit research.

To receive the corpus for your research, please send us an e-mail (subject: Download ED LEW) to with the following information:

  • Name
  • Academic Institution
  • Department
  • Address
  • City
  • Country
  • Email (Valid Academic Address Only)

We would like to take this opportunity to ask that you refer other researchers who would like to receive these materials to us, rather than distributing the LEW list to others yourself. It is helpful for us to be able to list the laboratories benefiting from this work.

Thanks again for your interest.