The NIL research group has been working on Computational Creativity since the year 2000. The work carried out has covered mostly creative tasks related to literary activity (poetry and story generation), but it has also addressed other topics such as camera management for video production, or image reconstruction during interpretation of medical images.
Much of the work carried out within the research group in the context of The Story Telling Laboratory and, to a lesser extent, that on Generating Language Output has addressed aspects of computational creativity.
The following ongoing projects by the work are mainly concerned with computational creativity:
- PROSECCO: Promoting the Scientific Exploration of Computational Creativity
- ConCreTe: Concept Creation Technology
- WHIM: WHat If Machine
The following NIL systems developed in the past address computational creativity issues:
- WASP, the Wishful Automatic Spanish Poet
- Stella, a story telling algorithm
- KIIDS Knowledge Intensive Interactive Digital Storyteller
- PRINCE, a natural language generation application designed to build texts for simple fairy tales
- TAP, a Text Arranging Pipeline
- Cast, a Creative Automatic Story Teller
- REC, an automatic Camera Management System (CMS) based on the emotional analysis of the film script
- Spiel, a full automated movie creator
- Imp, an interface for interacting with Spiel
- RCEI, Remote-Controlled Environment Interface (RCEI) is a protocol and a language that is used as an inteface between intelligent systems and a virtual environments