Work on this topic within the NIL group has focused on the following lines:
- dependency analysis
- automatic tagging of emotional content
- voice recognition (mostly as a tool rather than a research topic)
- summary generation
- information filtering
- information personalisation
- studying the effect of negation in different tasks
- extracting drug-drug interactions
The following NIL systems address issues related to processing language input:
The following funded projects have been related to this line of research:
- AutoIndexer: Research and Development of Terminological Resources to Support the Automatic Indexing of Medical Documents
- MILES: Models of Interaction centred on Language, spacE and computational Semantics
- GALANTE: GenerAción del LenguAje Natural para Textos con Emociones
- IVERNAO: Instrucciones VERbales para la NAvegación basadas en Ontologías
- INREDIS: INterfaces de RElación con el entorno para personas con DIScapacidad
Members of the NIL research group engaged in this line of research include:
- Pablo Gervás
- Alberto Diaz
- Virginia Francisco
- Laura Plaza
- Jorge Carrillo de Albornoz
- Miguel Ballesteros
- Jesús Herrera de la Cruz