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A. Díaz, Maña, M., Buenaga, M. de, Gómez, J. M., and Gervás, P., Using linear classifiers in the integration of user modeling and text content analysis in the personalization of a Web-based Spanish News Service, in Workshop on User Modeling, Machine Learning and Information Retrieval (UM 2001), 2001.PDF icon Diaz et al 2001 (MLIRUM).pdf (205.59 KB)
G. Méndez and de Antonio, A., Using Intelligent Agents to Support Collaborative Virtual Environments for Training, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, vol. 4, pp. 1373–1380, 2005.PDF icon wseas05-tc-mendez.pdf (378.23 KB)
G. Méndez, Gervás, P., and León, C., Using Fuzzy Logic to Model Character Affinities for Story Plot Generation, in Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy (ESTYLF 2016), San Sebastián, Spain, 2016.PDF icon estylf2016Affinities.pdf (59.42 KB)
E. Concepción, Gervás, P., Méndez, G., and León, C., Using CNL for Knowledge Elicitation and Exchange across Story Generation Systems, in 5th Workshop on Controlled Natural Language (CNL 2016), Aberdeen, Scotland, 2016.PDF icon CNL2016-paper11.pdf (212.21 KB)
G. Méndez and Gervás, P., Using ChatGPT for Story Sifting in Narrative Generation, in 14th International Conference on Computational Creativity, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2023.PDF icon iccc.pdf (99.59 KB)
R. Hervás, Francisco, V., Méndez, G., and Bautista, S., A User-Centred Methodology for the Development of Computer-Based Assistive Technologies for Individuals with Autism, in 17th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2019), Paphos, Cyprus, 2019.PDF icon Hervasetal-interact2019.pdf (643.72 KB)
M. de Buenaga, Maña, M., Díaz, A., and Gervás, P., A User Model Based on Content Analysis for the Intelligent Personalization of a News Service, in User Modeling 2001, 8th International Conference, UM 2001, Sonthofen, Germany, 2001, pp. 216-218.
G. Méndez, Gervás, P., and León, C., On the Use of Character Affinities for Story Plot Generation, in Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems: Selected Papers from KICSS’2014, vol. 416, Springer, 2016, pp. 211-225.PDF icon kicss14.pdf (396.81 KB)
J. Herrera, Peñas, A., Rodrigo, Á., Verdejo, F., Magnini, B., and Dagan, I., UNED at PASCAL RTE-2 Challenge, 2nd PASCAL Challenges Workshop on Recognising Textual Entailment. p. 38--43, 2006.PDF icon Herrera_Pe~nas_Rodrigo_Verdejo_RTE2_wn.pdf (259.06 KB)
A. de Antonio, Ramírez, J., Méndez, G., and Aguilar, R. A., Una arquitectura software para entornos virtuales inteligentes aplicados a la educación, Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Tarapacá, vol. 13, pp. 47-55, 2005.PDF icon art06.pdf (1.03 MB)
G. Méndez, Una arquitectura software basada en agentes y recomendaciones metodológicas para el desarrollo de entornos virtuales de entrenamiento con tutoría inteligente, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, 2008.PDF icon GonzaloMendez-PhDThesis.pdf (9.32 MB)
P. Moreno-Ger, Martínez-Ortiz, I., Francisco, V., and Hervás, R., TrivialCV: Competitive Activities for the Classroom Integrated in a Moodle Virtual Campus, IEEE Journal of Latin-American Learning Techonologies, vol. 8, p. 8, 2013.PDF icon RitaInglesVersionPublicada.pdf (230.61 KB)
P. Moreno-Ger, Martínez-Ortiz, I., Francisco, V., and Hervás, R., TrivialCV: Competitive Activities for the Classroom Integrated in a Moodle Virtual Campus, IEEE Journal of Latin-American Learning Techonologies, vol. 8, p. 8, 2013.PDF icon RitaInglesVersionPublicada.pdf (230.61 KB)
P. Moreno-Ger, Martínez-Ortiz, I., Francisco, V., and Hervás, R., TrivialCV: Actividades Competitivas en Clase Integradas con un Campus Virtual Moodle , Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje (IEEE-RITA), vol. 7, 2012.
P. Moreno-Ger, Martínez-Ortiz, I., Francisco, V., and Hervás, R., TrivialCV: Actividades Competitivas en Clase Integradas con un Campus Virtual Moodle , Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje (IEEE-RITA), vol. 7, 2012.
G. Méndez and de Antonio, A., Training agents: an architecture for reusability, in Intelligent Virtual Agents, 5th International Working Conference, Kos, Greece, 2005, pp. 1–14.PDF icon iva05-mendez.pdf (351.47 KB)
J. Herrera, Peñas, A., Verdejo, F., Quiñonero-Candela, J., Dagan, I., Magnini, B., and d’Alché-Buc, F., Textual Entaliment Recognition Based on Dependency Analysis and WordNet, Evaluating Predictive Uncertainty, Visual Object Classification and Recognizing Textual Entailment. 1st PASCAL Machine Learning Workshop, MLCW 2005, vol. 3944. Springer, p. 231--239, 2006.PDF icon Herrera_Penas_Verdejo_RTE_LNAI_2005.pdf (229.35 KB)
J. Herrera, Peñas, A., Verdejo, F., Marín, R., Onaindia, E., Bugarín, A., and Santos, J., Técnicas Aplicadas al Reconocimiento de Implicación Textual, XI Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, vol. 2, 2 vol. Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, Santiago de Compostela, España, p. 243--252, 2005.PDF icon Herrera_Pe~nas_Verdejo_CAEPIA05_wn.pdf (134.39 KB)
J. Herrera, Peñas, A., Verdejo, F., Marín, R., Onaindia, E., Bugarín, A., and Santos, J., Techniques for Recognizing Textual Entailment and Semantic Equivalence, 11th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2005. Revised Selected Papers, vol. 4177. Springer, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, p. 418--428, 2006.PDF icon Herrera_Pe~nas_Verdejo_CAEPIA05_LNAI.pdf (137.24 KB)
J. L. Bosque, Herrero, P., Mata, S., and Méndez, G., Teaching about Madrid: A collaborative agents-based distributed learning course, Multiagent and Grid Systems, vol. 7, 2011.PDF icon VersionFinalMAGS.pdf (28.11 MB)
J. L. Bosque, Herrero, P., Mata, S., and Méndez, G., Teaching about Madrid: A collaborative agents-based distributed learning course, Multiagent and Grid Systems, vol. 7, 2011.PDF icon VersionFinalMAGS.pdf (28.11 MB)
E. Ruiz-Capillas, Manero, B., and Romero-Hernandez, A., Talk&Play a VR Application to Improve Volume and Silences Use in Verbal Communication, 2022.
P. Gervás and Méndez, G., Tagging Narrative with Propp's Character Functions Using Large Language Models, in Seventh International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts (Text2Story 2024), Glasgow, Scotland, 2024.PDF icon Automated_Tagging_of_Narrative_Synopses_with_Proppian_Character_Functions.pdf (580.88 KB)
