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E. Concepción, Gervás, P., Méndez, G., and León, C., Using CNL for Knowledge Elicitation and Exchange across Story Generation Systems, in 5th Workshop on Controlled Natural Language (CNL 2016), Aberdeen, Scotland, 2016.PDF icon CNL2016-paper11.pdf (212.21 KB)
G. Méndez, Gervás, P., and León, C., Using Fuzzy Logic to Model Character Affinities for Story Plot Generation, in Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy (ESTYLF 2016), San Sebastián, Spain, 2016.PDF icon estylf2016Affinities.pdf (59.42 KB)
M. López-Ibáñez and Peinado, F., Walking in VR: Measuring Presence and Simulator Sickness in First-Person Virtual Reality Games, in Congreso de la Sociedad Española para las Ciencias del Videojuego, Barcelona, España, 2016.
A. Tapscott, Colás, J., Righi, V., León, C., and Blat, J., We Built Our Own Worlds - Story Canonicity and Indirect Collaboration in a Shared Story World, in Sixth International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications (COLLA 2016), 2016.
J. Osorio and Peinado, F., Análisis de las motivaciones de los jugadores para realizar migraciones entre distintos servidores de un MMORPG, in Congreso Internacional de Arte, Diseño y Desarrollo de Videojuegos en la Industria Creativa, Madrid, España, 2015.
M. Á. Morata Ramírez, Holgado Tello, F. P., Barbero García, I., and Méndez, G., Análisis factorial confirmatorio. Recomendaciones sobre mínimos cuadrados no ponderados en función del error Tipo I de Ji-Cuadrado y RMSEA, Acción Psicológica, vol. 12, pp. 79-90, 2015.PDF icon 14362-26007-1-PB.pdf (1011.06 KB)
R. Hervás, Sánchez-Ruiz, A., Gervás, P., and León, C., Calibrating a Metric for Similarity of Stories against Human Judgment, in Creativity and Experience Workshop, International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, Bad Homburg, Frankfurt, Germany, 2015.PDF icon HervasEtAl_ICCBR-EC.pdf (199.25 KB)
P. Gervás, Computational Drafting of Plot Structures for Russian Folk Tales, Cognitive Computation, 2015.
S. Bautista, A Computational Model for Automatic Simplification of Numerical Expressions, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, Madrid, 2015.PDF icon PhD_SusanaBautista.pdf (8.67 MB)
P. Gervás and León, C., Corregir e innovar corrigiendo: modelos de creatividad literaria como ciclo de reflexión-revisión, in Creatividad Computacional, Pérez y Pérez R. (Ed.)., México D. F: UAM-Cuajimalpa-Patria, 2015.
P. Gervás, Deconstructing Computer Poets: Making Selected Processes Available as Services, Computational Intelligence, 2015.PDF icon Gerv-s-2017-Computational_Intelligence.pdf (253.11 KB)
P. Delatorre, Berns, A., Palomo-Duarte, M., Gervás, P., and Madueño, F., Diseño de un Juego Serio basado en el Suspense, in Proceedings 2nd Congreso de la Sociedad Española para las Ciencias del Videojuego, Barcelona, Spain, June 24, 2015, 2015.PDF icon Delatorre 2015 - Juego serio basado en el suspense.pdf (2.97 MB)
P. Delatorre, Gervás, P., and Palomo-Duarte, M., Estudios preliminares sobre el suspense narrativo e interactivo, in VI Jornadas Predoctorales de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería, 2015.PDF icon Delatorre 2015 - Estudios preliminares del suspense.pdf (149.73 KB)
P. Gervás, Hervás, R., and León, C., Generating Plots for a Given Query Using a Case-Base of Narrative Schemas, in Creativity and Experience Workshop, International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, Bad Homburg, Frankfurt, Germany, 2015.PDF icon iccbr2015draft.pdf (237.11 KB)
M. Miranda and Peinado, F., Improving the Performance of a Computer-Controlled Player in a Maze Chase Game using Evolutionary Programming on a Finite-State Machine, in Congreso de la Sociedad Española Para las Ciencias del Videojuego, Barcelona, España, 2015.
N. Alvarez-Ayerza and Peinado, F., Modelling Suspicion as a Game Mechanism for Designing a Computer-Played Investigation Character, in Congreso de la Sociedad Española Para las Ciencias del Videojuego, Barcelona, España, 2015.
M. Miranda and Peinado, F., Modelos De Comportamiento De Unidades Militares De Un Videojuego De Estrategia En Tiempo Real Basados En Máquinas De Estado Multinivel, in Congreso Internacional de Arte, Diseño y Desarrollo de Videojuegos en la Industria Creativa, Madrid, España, 2015.
P. Delatorre and Arfè, B., Modulare la suspense del lettore attraverso un modelo computazionale, in XXVIII Congresso Nazionale Sezione di Psicologia dello sviluppo e dell'educazione, 2015.PDF icon Delatorre 2015 - Modulare la suspense del lettore.pdf (73.56 KB)
P. Gervás, Narrative Discourse as a Target Format for Data to Text Generation, in 1st International Workshop on Data-to-Text Generation, Edimburgh, 2015.PDF icon data2text2015GervasCRC.pdf (74.43 KB)
P. Gervás, A Personal Perspective into the Future for Computational Creativity, in Computational Creativity Research: Towards Creative Machines, Besold, Tarek Richard, Schorlemmer, Marco, Smaill, Alan (Eds.)., Springer, 2015.
P. Gervás, León, C., and Méndez, G., Schemas for Narrative Generation Mined from Existing Descriptions of Plot, in Computational Models of Narrative, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2015.PDF icon CMN 2015 CRC.pdf (429.09 KB)
P. Gervás, Tightening the Constraints on Form and Content for an Existing Computer Poet, in AISB 2015 Symposium on Computational Creativity, University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom, 2015.PDF icon AISB2015 Gervas CRC.pdf (122.26 KB)
P. Gervás and León, C., When Reflective Feedback Triggers Goal Revision: a Computational Model for Literary Creativity, in AI and Feedback, IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, 2015.PDF icon AInF2015paper5_crc.pdf (812.75 KB)
H. G. Oliveira, Hervás, R., Díaz, A., and Gervás, P., Adapting a Generic Platform for Poetry Generation to Produce Spanish Poems, in 5th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014.PDF icon PoeTryMe.pdf (239.79 KB)
S. Bautista and Saggion, H., Can Numerical Expressions Be Simpler? Implementation and Demostration of a Numerical Simplification System for Spanish, in 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Reykjavik, 2014.PDF icon LREC_CR.pdf (218.64 KB)
