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P. Gervás, Concepción, E., and Méndez, G., Evolutionary Construction of Stories that Combine Several Plot Lines, in Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design – 11th International Conference, EvoMUSART 2022, Madrid, Spain, 2022.PDF icon Gervas.pdf (251.45 KB)
P. Gervás, Méndez, G., and Concepción, E., Evolutionary Combination of Subplot Patterns into Meaningful Plots, Researchsquare (preprint) - Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 2023.PDF icon v1_covered.pdf (571.22 KB)
P. Gervás, Méndez, G., and Concepción, E., Evolutionary combination of connected event schemas into meaningful plots, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, vol. 24, 2023.
P. Gutiérrez Merino, Suárez, G. Eugercios, Popova, E. Kaloyanova, Francisco, V., and Hervás, R., EmoTraductor: Análisis Emocional para la Inclusión Digital, in IV Congreso Internacional Universidad y Discapacidad (CIUD 2018), Madrid, Spain, 2018.PDF icon EmoTraductor-CIUD2018.pdf (321.42 KB)
M. El-Yamri, Romero-Hernandez, A., Gonzalez-Riojo, M., and Manero, B., Emotions-Responsive Audiences for VR Public Speaking Simulators Based on the Speakers' Voice, in 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2019.PDF icon Emotions_responsive_audience_El-Yamri.pdf (197.9 KB)
A. Oñate, Méndez, G., and Gervás, P., Emolift: Elevator Conversations based on Emotions, in 10th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2019), UNC Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 2019.PDF icon onateetal-iccc2019.pdf (180.18 KB)
F. Peinado, López-Mañas, E., and Moreno-Ger, P., El videojuego educativo como sistema autorreferencial: el curioso caso de Game Guru, in Congreso Internacional de Videojuegos y Educación, Alfaz del Pi, Alicante, España, 2012.
O. Martín, Manero, B., and Romero-Hernandez, A., El videojuego como herramienta de alfabetización informacional en estudiantes universitarios, Profesional de la información, vol. 31, 2022.
O. Martín, Manero, B., and Romero-Hernandez, A., El videojuego como herramienta de alfabetización informacional en estudiantes universitarios, Profesional de la información, vol. 31, 2022.
V. Francisco, M. Espinosa, G., and Moreno-Ger, P., El impacto del diseño de actividades en el plagio de Internet en educación superior, Comunicar, vol. XXIV, p. 48, 2016.PDF icon Comunicar2016.pdf (554.81 KB)
B. Arfé, Delatorre, P., and Mason, L., Effects of negative emotional valence on readers’ text processing and memory for text: an eye-tracking study, Reading and Writing, 2022.
A. Romero-Hernandez, Gonzalez-Riojo, M., Yamri, M. El, and Manero, B., The Effectiveness of a Video Game as an Educational Tool in Incrementing Interest in Dance among Younger Generations, Educational Technology & Society, vol. 25, 2022.
Á. Rodrigo, Peñas, A., Herrera, J., Verdejo, F., Peters, C., Clough, P., Gey, F. C., Karlgren, J., Magnini, B., Oard, D. W., de Rijke, M., and Stempfhuber, M., The Effect of Entity Recognition on Answer Validation, Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information Retrieval. 7th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2006. Revised Selected Papers, vol. 4730. Springer, Alicante, Spain, p. 483--489, 2007.PDF icon ave2006lncs.pdf (202.3 KB)
G. Méndez, Hervás, R., Gervás, P., Martín, A., and Julca, F., Dynamic Emphatical Narration for Reduced Authorial Burden and Increased User Freedom in Interactive Storytelling, Connection Science, vol. 31, pp. 33-59, 2019.PDF icon AISBCC2017-SICS.pdf (1.61 MB)
G. Méndez, Hervás, R., Gervás, P., Martín, A., and Julca, F., Dynamic Emphatical Narration for Reduced Authorial Burden and Increased User Freedom in Interactive Storytelling, Connection Science, vol. 31, pp. 33-59, 2019.PDF icon AISBCC2017-SICS.pdf (1.61 MB)
P. Gervás and Méndez, G., Distributing Creative Responsibility Between a Knowledge-Based Content Determiner and a Neural Text Realizer, in 23rd EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Thematic Track AI and Creativity), Viana de Castelo, Portugal, 2024.PDF icon EPIA2024-LLM-creativity-CRC.pdf (234.58 KB)
P. Delatorre, Berns, A., Palomo-Duarte, M., Gervás, P., and Madueño, F., Diseño de un Juego Serio basado en el Suspense, in Proceedings 2nd Congreso de la Sociedad Española para las Ciencias del Videojuego, Barcelona, Spain, June 24, 2015, 2015.PDF icon Delatorre 2015 - Juego serio basado en el suspense.pdf (2.97 MB)
M. I. Sánchez, de Antonio, A., Imbert, R., Méndez, G., and de Amescua, A., Design Tasks in Virtual Environments Development, in 13th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE01), 2001.PDF icon SEKE01.pdf (54.36 KB)
J. Jerónimo, de Antonio, A., Méndez, G., and Ramírez, J., Design of a model of human interaction in virtual environments, in Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces VI, Springer, 2009, pp. 89–101.PDF icon CameraReadyCADUI2008.pdf (352.69 KB)
D. Guasch, Martín-Escalona, I., Macías, J. A., Francisco, V., Hervás, R., Moreno, L., and Bautista, S., Design and evaluation of ECO: an augmentative and alternative communication tool, Universal Access in the Information Society, 2022.
D. Guasch, Martín-Escalona, I., Macías, J. A., Francisco, V., Hervás, R., Moreno, L., and Bautista, S., Design and evaluation of ECO: an augmentative and alternative communication tool, Universal Access in the Information Society, 2022.
D. Guasch, Martín-Escalona, I., Macías, J. A., Francisco, V., Hervás, R., Moreno, L., and Bautista, S., Design and evaluation of ECO: an augmentative and alternative communication tool, Universal Access in the Information Society, 2022.
M. I. S. Segura, de Antonio, A., and Méndez, G., Desarrollo de Entornos Virtuales para Web, in Ingeniería de la Web y Patrones de Diseño, Pearson Educación, 2005.PDF icon CAPITULO-EV v10.pdf (251.57 KB)
P. Muñoz and Méndez, G., A Deep Learning Approach to generate Beethoven's 10th Symphony, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2019.PDF icon PaulaMunoz-BSc-Beethovens10thSymphony.pdf (2.63 MB)
P. Muñoz and Méndez, G., A Deep Learning Approach to generate Beethoven's 10th Symphony, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2019.PDF icon PaulaMunoz-BSc-Beethovens10thSymphony.pdf (2.63 MB)
