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R. García, Gervás, P., Hervás, R., and Pérez y Pérez, R., Applying the E-R Computational Creativity Model to Image Interpretation, in 3rd Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity, dentro de la 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Italy, 2006, pp. 29-32.PDF icon er.pdf (419.44 KB)
P. Gervás, Concepción, E., and Méndez, G., Assessing MultiPlot Stories: from Formative Analysis to Computational Metrics, in International Conference on Computational Creativity, Ciudad de México, México, 2021.PDF icon shortPaperICCC2021-GervasCRC-v2.pdf (87.45 KB)
P. Gervás, Hervás, R., León, C., and Gale, C. V., Annotating Musical Theatre Plots on Narrative Structure and Emotional Content, in Seventh International Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative, Kravov, Poland, 2016.PDF icon annotating-musical-theatreCRC.pdf (619.54 KB)
H. Gómez-Gauchía and Peinado, F., Automatic Customization of Non-Player Characters Using Players Temperament, in 3rd International Conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment (TIDSE), Darmstadt, Germany, 2006, vol. 4326, pp. 241-252.PDF icon 2006-gomez-automatic.pdf (462.69 KB)
P. Kalluri and Gervás, P., Affinity-based Interpretation of Triangle Social Scenarios, in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 2: ICAART,, 2017.PDF icon ICAART_2017_121.pdf (173.17 KB)
C. León, An architecture of narrative memory, Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, vol. 16, 2016.
C. León and Gervás, P., Assisting Writing Through Step-by-Step Story Generation, in Semi-Automated Creativity Workshop, ACM conference on Creativity & Cognition 2011, Atlanta, Georgia, USA., 2011.PDF icon semi_automated_extended_leon_gervas.pdf (101.36 KB)
E. Lloret, Plaza, L., and Aker, A., Analyzing the Capabilities of Crowdsourcing Services for Text Summarization, Language Resources and Evaluation (LRE). In press, 2012.
E. López, Plá, J., Méndez, G., and Gervás, P., Augmented Reality and Indoors Wi-Fi Positioning for Conducting Fire Evacuation Drills Using Mobile Phones, in 4th International Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2010), Valencia, Spain, 2010.PDF icon MendezGervas-UCAmI2010.pdf (406.97 KB)
B. Manero, ,, Romero, A., and Cárdenas, M. M., Adopting an immersive virtual reality system to enhance pre-service teachers’ communicative competence, in 2022 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2022.
G. Méndez and de Antonio, A., An agent-based architecture for collaborative virtual environments for training, in Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Multimedia, Internet and Video Technologies, Corfu, Greece, August, Corfu, Greece, 2005, pp. 17–19.PDF icon secve05-mendez.pdf (144.39 KB)
G. Méndez, Hervás, R., Gervás, P., de la Rosa, R., and Ruiz, D., Adapting Descriptions of People to the Point of View of a Moving Observer, in 11th International Conference on Natural Languaje Generation (INLG), Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2018.PDF icon INLG2018Descriptions.pdf (474.37 KB)Image icon INLG18-MendezEtAl.jpg (400.26 KB)
K. Monteith, Francisco, V., Martinez, T., Gervás, P., and Ventura, D., Automatic Generation of Emotionally-Targeted Soundtracks, in Second International Conference on Computational Creativity, México City, México, 2011.PDF icon monteith_iccc11.pdf (981.04 KB)
M. Á. Morata Ramírez, Holgado Tello, F. P., Barbero García, I., and Méndez, G., Análisis factorial confirmatorio. Recomendaciones sobre mínimos cuadrados no ponderados en función del error Tipo I de Ji-Cuadrado y RMSEA, Acción Psicológica, vol. 12, pp. 79-90, 2015.PDF icon 14362-26007-1-PB.pdf (1011.06 KB)
M. L. Mouronte-López, García, A., Bautista, S., and Cortés, C., Analyzing the gender influence on the interest in engineering and technical subjects, International Journal of Technology and Design Educationthis link is disabled, vol. 3 (4), 2021.
P. Muñoz and Méndez, G., An approach to Beethoven's 10th Symphony. arXiv, 2020.PDF icon iccc.pdf (598.19 KB)
