
Export 452 results:
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P. Muñoz and Méndez, G., An approach to Beethoven's 10th Symphony. arXiv, 2020.PDF icon iccc.pdf (598.19 KB)
M. López Ibáñez, Romero-Hernandez, A., Manero, B., and Guijarro, M., Computer Entertainment Technologies for the Visually Impaired: An Overview, 2020.
E. Concepción, Gervás, P., and Méndez, G., Exploring Baselines for Combining Full Plots into Multiple-plot Stories, New Generation Computing, pp. 1-41, 2020.
F. Julca, Méndez, G., and Hervás, R., An Internal Model for Characters in Virtual Environments, in Virtual Reality Designs, 1stst ed., Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2020.PDF icon GMendezetal_Corregido.pdf (6.36 MB)
P. Delatorre, León, C., Salguero, A., and Tapscott, A., Predicting the effects of suspenseful outcome for automatic storytelling, Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 209, p. 106450, 2020.
R. Hervás, Bautista, S., Méndez, G., Galván, P., and Gervás, P., Predictive Composition of Pictogram Messages for Users with Autism, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2020.PDF icon PictogramsAutismJAIHC.pdf (4.41 MB)
C. León, Gervás, P., Delatorre, P., and Tapscott, A., Quantitative Characteristics of Human‑Written Short Stories as a Metric for Automated Storytelling, New Generation Computing, vol. 38, 2020.
A. F. G. Sevilla, Díaz, A., and Lahoz-Bengoechea, J. María, Tools for the use of SignWriting as a Language Resource, in Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages, Marseille, France, 2020.
P. Martins, Oliveira, H. G., Gonçalves, J. Carlos, Cruz, A., Cardoso, A., Znidarzic, M., Lavrac, N., Linkola, S. M., Toivonen, H., Hervás, R., Méndez, G., and Gervás, P., Computational Creativity Infrastructure for Online Software Composition: A Conceptual Blending Use Case, IBM Journal of Research and Development, pp. 1-1, 2019.PDF icon IBM-CC Infrastructure CB Use Case_preprint.pdf (1.24 MB)
M. El-Yamri, Romero-Hernandez, A., Gonzalez-Riojo, M., and Manero, B., ComunicArte: A Public Speaking Trainer in Virtual Reality, in Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New York, NY, USA, 2019.PDF icon VS05.pdf (581.42 KB)
M. El-Yamri, Romero-Hernandez, A., Gonzalez-Riojo, M., and Manero, B., COMUNICARTE: A VIRTUAL REALITY GAME TO IMPROVE PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS, in EDULEARN19 Proceedings, 2019.PDF icon Comunicarte_El-Yamri.pdf (174.46 KB)
P. Xiao, Toivonen, H., Gross, O., Cardoso, A., Correia, J., Machado, P., Martins, P., Oliveira, H. G., Sharma, R., Pinto, A. Miguel, Díaz, A., Francisco, V., Gervás, P., Hervás, R., León, C., Forth, J., Purver, M., Wiggins, G. A., Miljković, D., Podpečan, V., Pollak, S., Kralj, J., ,, Bohanec, M., Lavrac, N., Urbančič, T., Van Der Velde, F., and Battersby, S., Conceptual Representations for Computational Concept Creation, ACM Comput. Surv., vol. 52, pp. 9:1–9:33, 2019.PDF icon a9-xiao-with-supp.pdf (4.11 MB)
P. Muñoz and Méndez, G., A Deep Learning Approach to generate Beethoven's 10th Symphony, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2019.PDF icon PaulaMunoz-BSc-Beethovens10thSymphony.pdf (2.63 MB)
A. F. G. Sevilla and Lahoz-Bengoechea, J. María, A different description of orientation in sign languages, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, pp. 53–60, 2019.
G. Méndez, Hervás, R., Gervás, P., Martín, A., and Julca, F., Dynamic Emphatical Narration for Reduced Authorial Burden and Increased User Freedom in Interactive Storytelling, Connection Science, vol. 31, pp. 33-59, 2019.PDF icon AISBCC2017-SICS.pdf (1.61 MB)
A. Oñate, Méndez, G., and Gervás, P., Emolift: Elevator Conversations based on Emotions, in 10th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2019), UNC Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 2019.PDF icon onateetal-iccc2019.pdf (180.18 KB)
M. El-Yamri, Romero-Hernandez, A., Gonzalez-Riojo, M., and Manero, B., Emotions-Responsive Audiences for VR Public Speaking Simulators Based on the Speakers' Voice, in 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2019.PDF icon Emotions_responsive_audience_El-Yamri.pdf (197.9 KB)
C. León, Gervás, P., and Delatorre, P., Empirical Insights Into Short Story Draft Construction, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 119192-119208, 2019.
E. Concepción, Gervás, P., and Méndez, G., Evolving the INES story generation system: from single to multiple plot lines, in 10th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2019), UNC Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 2019.PDF icon Concepcionetal-iccc2019.pdf (218.55 KB)
D. Guasch, Martín-Escalona, I., Macías, J. A., Moreno, L., Hervás, R., and Bautista, S., Expert-based Assessment of an Augmentative and Alternative Communication Tool, in XX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (Interacción 2019), Donostia, Gipuzkoa, Spain, 2019.PDF icon a23-guasch.pdf (1.67 MB)
P. Gervás, Exploring Quantitative Evaluation of the Creativity of Automatic Poets, in Computational Creativity - The Philosophy and Engineering of Autonomously Creative Systems, T. Veale and F. Cardoso, A. Springer, 2019, p. 275--304.
P. Gervás, Generating a Search Space of Acceptable Narrative Plots, in 10th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2019), UNC Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 2019.PDF icon GervasICCC2019-CRC.pdf (111 KB)
P. Delatorre, Salguero, A., León, C., and Tapscott, A., The Impact of Context on Affective Norms: A Case of Study With Suspense, Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 10, p. 1988, 2019.
P. Delatorre, León, C., Salguero, A., Palomo-Duarte, M., and Gervás, P., Information management in interactive and non-interactive suspenseful storytelling, Connection Science, vol. 31, pp. 82-101, 2019.
A. Oñate, Méndez, G., and Gervás, P., Introducing Mood and Affinity to Generate Brief Template-based Dialogues in Storytelling Systems, in C3GI: The 7th International Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, 2019.PDF icon paper8.pdf (305.6 KB)
