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R. Hervás, Francisco, V., and Gervás, P., Assessing the influence of personal preferences on the choice of vocabulary for natural language generation, Information Processing and Management, vol. 49, 2013.PDF icon HervasEtAlIPM13.pdf (1.76 MB)
P. Gervás, Concepción, E., and Méndez, G., Assessing MultiPlot Stories: from Formative Analysis to Computational Metrics, in International Conference on Computational Creativity, Ciudad de México, México, 2021.PDF icon shortPaperICCC2021-GervasCRC-v2.pdf (87.45 KB)
M. Ballesteros, Herrera, J., Francisco, V., and Gervás, P., Are the existing training corpora unnecessarily large?, SEPLN Journal Nº48, 2012.PDF icon sepln_v1_mbm_unnecesarily.pdf (523.6 KB)
S. Bautista, Hervás, R., Hernández-Gil, A., Martínez-Díaz, C., Pascua, S., and Gervás, P., AraTraductor: Text to Pictogram Translation using Natural Language Processing Techniques, in 18th International Conference of the Spanish Human Computer Interaction Association, 2017.
S. Bautista, Hervás, R., Gervás, P., and Rojo, J., An Approach to Treat Numerical Information in the Text Simplification Process, Universal Access in the Information Society, vol. 16, pp. 85-102, 2017.PDF icon UAIS-2014-734_FINAL.pdf (634.87 KB)
R. García, Gervás, P., Hervás, R., and Pérez y Pérez, R., Applying the E-R Computational Creativity Model to Image Interpretation, in 3rd Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity, dentro de la 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Italy, 2006, pp. 29-32.PDF icon er.pdf (419.44 KB)
R. Hervás and Gervás, P., Applying Genetic Algorithms to Referring Expression Generation and Aggregation, in 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST), Spain, 2005, pp. 145-149.PDF icon HervasGervasEUROCAST05.pdf (93.37 KB)
E. Concepción, Gervás, P., and Méndez, G., An API-based approach to co-creation in automatic storytelling, in 6th International Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence. C3GI 2017, Madrid, Spain, 2017.PDF icon api-based-approach.pdf (270.6 KB)
P. Gervás, Hervás, R., León, C., and Gale, C. V., Annotating Musical Theatre Plots on Narrative Structure and Emotional Content, in Seventh International Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative, Kravov, Poland, 2016.PDF icon annotating-musical-theatreCRC.pdf (619.54 KB)
M. Ballesteros, Herrera, J., Francisco, V., and Gervás, P., Analyzing the CoNLL-X Shared Task from a Sentence Accuracy Perspective, SEPLN Journal Nº48, 2012.PDF icon sepln_v1_mbm.pdf (226.29 KB)
V. Francisco, Gervás, P., and Hervás, R., Análisis y síntesis de expresión emocional en cuentos leídos en voz alta, Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, vol. 35, pp. 293–300, 2005.PDF icon FranciscoGervasSEPLN2005.pdf (173.98 KB)
S. Bautista, Drndarevic, B., Hervás, R., Saggion, H., and Gervás, P., Análisis de la Simplificación de Expresiones Numéricas en Español mediante un estudio Empírico., Linguamática, vol. 4,n.2, 2012.PDF icon BautistaEtAl.pdf (421.84 KB)
V. Francisco and Gervás, P., Análisis de dependencias para la marcación de cuentos con emociones, in SEPLN 2006, Zaragoza, Spain, 2006.PDF icon FranciscoGervasSEPLN2006.pdf (156.23 KB)
R. Hervás and Gervás, P., Agent-based Solutions for Natural Language Generation Tasks, in XI Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial (CAEPIA 05), Spain, 2005, vol. 4177, pp. 103-112.PDF icon HervasGervasCAEPIA05.pdf (92.61 KB)
P. Kalluri and Gervás, P., Affinity-based Interpretation of Triangle Social Scenarios, in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 2: ICAART,, 2017.PDF icon ICAART_2017_121.pdf (173.17 KB)
E. Concepción, Gervás, P., and Méndez, G., Afanasyev: A collaborative architectural model for automatic story generation, in 5th AISB Symposium on Computational Creativity, University of Liverpool, UK, 2018.PDF icon AISB2018.pdf (275.36 KB)
P. Delatorre, León, C., Palomo-Duarte, M., and Gervás, P., Adding Suspense to a Story Generation System through a Cognitive Model of the Impact of affective Terms, in {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence (C3GI 2017)}, Madrid, Spain, 2017.
A. Díaz and Gervás, P., Adaptive User Modeling for Personalization of Web Contents, in Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, Third International Conference, AH 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2004, pp. 65-74.PDF icon Diaz&Gervas2004 (AH).pdf (155.99 KB)
G. Méndez, Hervás, R., Gervás, P., de la Rosa, R., and Ruiz, D., Adapting Descriptions of People to the Point of View of a Moving Observer, in 11th International Conference on Natural Languaje Generation (INLG), Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2018.PDF icon INLG2018Descriptions.pdf (474.37 KB)Image icon INLG18-MendezEtAl.jpg (400.26 KB)
H. G. Oliveira, Hervás, R., Díaz, A., and Gervás, P., Adapting a Generic Platform for Poetry Generation to Produce Spanish Poems, in 5th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014.PDF icon PoeTryMe.pdf (239.79 KB)
B. Díaz-Agudo, Gervás, P., and González-Calero, P. A., Adaptation Guided Retrieval Based on Formal Concept Analysis, in Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development, Procs. of the 5th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, 2003.
S. Bautista, Hervás, R., and Gervás, P., Accessible Numerical Information: Cookery Recipes as a Special Case, in International Conference On Information and Communication Technology and Accessibility , Hammamet, Tunusia, 2013.PDF icon icta13_BautistaetAl.pdf (50.67 KB)
