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“A Methodology for the Annotation of Narrative Structures in Films”, Communication & Methods, vol. 5, p. 91--107, 2023. 182-Article Text-927-1-10-20230525.pdf (149.44 KB)
, “MeSH indexing based on automatically generated summaries”, BMC bioinformatics, vol. 14, 2013.
, “Measuring the Influence of Errors Induced by the Presence of Dialogues in Reference Clustering of Narrative Text”, 7th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON 09). Hyderabad, India, pp. 209-218, 2009. AggarwalICON09.pdf (216.84 KB)
, “MaltOptimizer: An Optimization Tool for MaltParser”, in 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for computational Linguistics (EACL 2012). Demo Session, Avignon, 2012. eacl2012.pdf (148.49 KB)
, “MaltOptimizer: A System for MaltParser Optimization”, in The 8th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012), Istanbul, 2012. MaltOpt.pdf (156.64 KB)
, “Making Numerical Information more Accessible: Implementation of a Numerical Expressions Simplification Component for Spanish”, ITL- International Journal of Applied Linguistics, pp. 299-323, 2014. Bautista_Saggion_CR_ITL_SIRS.pdf (455.47 KB)