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A. Almagro and Hervás, R., Generación de texto para historias de vida usando modelos pre-entrenados, in Investigaciones DACIU 2022/2023, Fundación Avanza, 2023, pp. 447-454.
B. Corsetti, Hervás, R., and Moreno, L., Knowing Users with Mild Intellectual Impairments in UX Design Processes, in XXIII Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador (Interacción 2023), Lleida, Spain, 2023.
P. Martins, Oliveira, H. G., Gonçalves, J. Carlos, Cruz, A., Cardoso, A., Znidarzic, M., Lavrac, N., Linkola, S. M., Toivonen, H., Hervás, R., Méndez, G., and Gervás, P., Computational Creativity Infrastructure for Online Software Composition: A Conceptual Blending Use Case, IBM Journal of Research and Development, pp. 1-1, 2019.PDF icon IBM-CC Infrastructure CB Use Case_preprint.pdf (1.24 MB)
P. Xiao, Toivonen, H., Gross, O., Cardoso, A., Correia, J., Machado, P., Martins, P., Oliveira, H. G., Sharma, R., Pinto, A. Miguel, Díaz, A., Francisco, V., Gervás, P., Hervás, R., León, C., Forth, J., Purver, M., Wiggins, G. A., Miljković, D., Podpečan, V., Pollak, S., Kralj, J., ,, Bohanec, M., Lavrac, N., Urbančič, T., Van Der Velde, F., and Battersby, S., Conceptual Representations for Computational Concept Creation, ACM Comput. Surv., vol. 52, pp. 9:1–9:33, 2019.PDF icon a9-xiao-with-supp.pdf (4.11 MB)
G. Méndez, Hervás, R., Gervás, P., Martín, A., and Julca, F., Dynamic Emphatical Narration for Reduced Authorial Burden and Increased User Freedom in Interactive Storytelling, Connection Science, vol. 31, pp. 33-59, 2019.PDF icon AISBCC2017-SICS.pdf (1.61 MB)
D. Guasch, Martín-Escalona, I., Macías, J. A., Moreno, L., Hervás, R., and Bautista, S., Expert-based Assessment of an Augmentative and Alternative Communication Tool, in XX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (Interacción 2019), Donostia, Gipuzkoa, Spain, 2019.PDF icon a23-guasch.pdf (1.67 MB)
R. Hervás, Francisco, V., Méndez, G., and Bautista, S., A User-Centred Methodology for the Development of Computer-Based Assistive Technologies for Individuals with Autism, in 17th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2019), Paphos, Cyprus, 2019.PDF icon Hervasetal-interact2019.pdf (643.72 KB)
G. Méndez, Hervás, R., Gervás, P., de la Rosa, R., and Ruiz, D., Adapting Descriptions of People to the Point of View of a Moving Observer, in 11th International Conference on Natural Languaje Generation (INLG), Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2018.PDF icon INLG2018Descriptions.pdf (474.37 KB)Image icon INLG18-MendezEtAl.jpg (400.26 KB)
P. Gutiérrez Merino, Suárez, G. Eugercios, Popova, E. Kaloyanova, Francisco, V., and Hervás, R., EmoTraductor: Análisis Emocional para la Inclusión Digital, in IV Congreso Internacional Universidad y Discapacidad (CIUD 2018), Madrid, Spain, 2018.PDF icon EmoTraductor-CIUD2018.pdf (321.42 KB)
V. Francisco, Hervás, R., Méndez, G., and Galván, P., Exploring the Potential of Concept Associations for the Creative Generation of Linguistic Artifacts: a Case Study with Riddles and Rhetorical Figures, Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 9, 2018.PDF icon FrontiersVersionPublicada.pdf (876.02 KB)
A. Martín, Hervás, R., Méndez, G., and Bautista, S., PICTAR: Una herramienta de elaboración de contenido para personas con TEA basada en la traducción de texto a pictogramas, in XIX International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Interacción 2018), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2018.PDF icon Pictar-Interaccion2018.pdf (618.03 KB)
G. Méndez, Hervás, R., Bautista, S., and Galván, P., PictoEditor: un editor predictivo basado en pictogramas para facilitar la interacción con personas con discapacidad, in XIX International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Interacción 2018), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2018.PDF icon Pictoeditor-Interaccion2018.pdf (567.26 KB)
S. Bautista, Hervás, R., Gervás, P., Bagó, A., and García-Ortiz, J., Taking text simplification to the user: integrating automated modules into a web browser, in The 8th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enchancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion (DSAI 2018) , 2018.PDF icon BautistaEtAlDSAI18.pdf (1.03 MB)
