WASP en la radio
Pablo Gervás ha presentado sus poetas automáticos, en una entrevista en directo, en la Compañía de Radio Televisión de Galicia (CRTVG).
The NIL acronym (Natural Interaction based on Language) identifies a group of researchers and practitioners whose interests converge towards the development of interfaces based on language for modern day IT applications for modifying or finding information, issuing commands, or present output results in a way easy to understand.
Various Artificial Intelligence techniques contribute towards this goal. The mainstay of NIL is obviously a strong Natural Language Processing component. However, the complexities of language interactions require the use of additional techniques of Knowledge Representation, Expert Systems, Case-Based Reasoning, Evolutionary Algorithms, User Modeling and Computational Creativity.
NIL arises in 2005 to provide a minimal infrastructure to house colaborative projects between researchers at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Nevertheless, it is open to contributions from researchers affiliated at other institutions if they are interested in the stated goals. At the same point, NIL is born with the overall goal of developing the technologies that it researchs on to the point where they can be used for practical applications. For this reason, we are always on the look out for opportunities to test the applicability of our work in real life situations.
Pablo Gervás ha presentado sus poetas automáticos, en una entrevista en directo, en la Compañía de Radio Televisión de Galicia (CRTVG).
Pablo Gervás ha colaborado en la redacción del libro "¿Puede un computado escribir un poema de amor?" junto a Dionisio Cañas y Carlos González Tardón. La presentación tuvo lugar el martes de 13 de abril del 2010 en el Centro Cultural Blanquerna.
As a continuation of some issues related to her thesis, Raquel Hervás has completed a research stay of six months at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA. In collaboration with the Genesis research group at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), Raquel has applied some ideas from her thesis to the analysis of referring expressions in narrative texts and newspaper articles.
Federico Peinado will participate as a keynote speaker at Tempo 2009, VII Festival de Música y Arte Contemporáneo de Albacete.
The title of the talk is: Los videojuegos y sus fronteras. Desafíos de producción y diseño para las nuevas generaciones. It will be given at Paraninfo UCLM, on 22nd October 2009, 10:30 h.
Game Guru, a pedagogical adventure game about the videogame industry created by Federico Peinado, has won the best game award of the CVEEL'09 Seminar at the Facultad de Informática UCM.
A beta version is available to download. The final version will be released after this summer.
Delta-R and NIL have signed a collaboration agreement for research in natural language and business rules. Press Releases:
Pablo Gervás has been invited to the Purple Blurb that will be celebrated the next Wednesday May 20, 6pm-7pm, at MIT in room 14E-310.
Daniel Dionne and Salvador de la Puente, with Carlos León, Pablo Gervás and Raquel Hervás, went to ENGL09 in Athenas.
Daniel and Salvador submit their GUIDE system, a virtual guiding software, to the 1st GIVE challenge and obtaining great results as we can saw at the challenge journal of the workshop.
NIL's researcher Carlos León will attend the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity thanks to a grant he has received from the National Science Foundation (award #IIS-0906244).