“Agent Based Simulation Framework for Quantitative and Qualitative Social Research: Statistics and Natural Language Generation”, in The Fourth European Social Simulation Association Conference, Toulouse, France, 2007. ABSSqualitativequantitavie ESSA 2007 v25 para enviar.pdf (140.69 KB)
, “A Computer Model that Generates Biography-Like Narratives”, in International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity, London, 2007. ijwcc07.pdf (159.3 KB)
, “Expressive Synthesis of Read Aloud Tales”, in Artificial & Ambient Intelligence (AISB'07), Culture Lab, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2007, pp. 179–186. FranciscoetalAISB07.pdf (153.12 KB)
, “From the Event Log of a Social Simulation to Narrative Discourse: Content Planning in Story Generation”, in Conference of the Artificial and Ambient Intelligence, Culture Lab, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2007, pp. 402–409. agentes07.pdf (724.56 KB)
, “Mixed Narrative and Dialog Content Planning Based on BDI Agents”, in XII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para Inteligencia Artificial, Salamanca, Spain, 2007. caepia07.pdf (148.32 KB)
, “Creative Storytelling Based on Transformation of Generation Rules”, in 5th Internation Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity, 2008. ijwcc08cast.pdf (202.62 KB)
, “A Framework for Building Creative Objects From Heterogeneous Generation Systems”, in 5th International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity, 2008. ijwcc08spiel.pdf (170.56 KB)
, “An Intelligent Plot-Centric Interface for Mastering Computer Role-Playing Games”, in First Joint International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, Erfurt, Germany, 2008. icids08.pdf (343.07 KB)
, “NIL-UCM: Most-Frequent-Value-First Attribute Selection and Best-Scoring-Choice Realization”, in Referring Expression Generation Challenge 2008, Proc. of the 5th International Natural Language Generation Conference (INLG'08), Ohio, USA, 2008. HervasGervasGRE2008.pdf (41.29 KB)
, “Toward Vignette-Based Story Generation for Drama Management Systems”, in Workshop on Integrating Technologies for Interactive Stories - 2nd International Conference on INtelligent TEchnologies for interactive enterTAINment , 2008. camera-ready.pdf (770.96 KB)
, “Constructing World Abstractions for Natural Language in Virtual 3D Environments”, in 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services, Mogliano Veneto, Italy, 2009. iimss09.pdf (326.3 KB)
, “A Model for Human Readable Instruction Generation Using Level-Based Discourse Planning and Dynamic Inference of Attributes Disambiguation”, in 12th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Athens, Greece, 2009. nlgenvironment.pdf (1.89 MB)
, “A Computational Model for Automated Extraction of Structural Schemas from Simple Narrative Plots”, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, 2010. tesis_isbn.pdf (1.26 MB)
, “The Role of Evaluation Driven Rejection in the Successful Exploration of a Conceptual Space of Stories”, Minds and Machines, 2010. mm10_leon_gervas.pdf (364.79 KB)
, “Story Generation Driven by System-Modified Evaluation Validated by Human Judges”, in First International Conference on Computational Creativity, Lisboa, Portugal, 2010. cc2010short.pdf (279.03 KB)
, “Assisting Writing Through Step-by-Step Story Generation”, in Semi-Automated Creativity Workshop, ACM conference on Creativity & Cognition 2011, Atlanta, Georgia, USA., 2011. semi_automated_extended_leon_gervas.pdf (101.36 KB)
, “Empirical Identification of Text Simplification Strategies for Reading-Impaired People”, in European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 2011. AAATE_BautistaLeonHervasGervas.pdf (92.8 KB)
, “A Top-Down Design Methodology based on Causality and Chronology for Developing Assisted Story Generation Systems”, in 8th ACM conference on Creativity and cognition, Atlanta, Georgia, USA., 2011. cc294-leon.pdf (127.2 KB)
, “A Top-Down Design Methodology based on Causality and Chronology for Developing Assisted Story Generation Systems”, in 8th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition, Atlanta, 2011. cc294-leon.pdf (127.2 KB)
, “Prototyping the Use of Plot Curves to Guide Story Generation”, in Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative, 2012 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC'2012), Istambul, Turkey, 2012. leon_gervas_cmn12.pdf (116.75 KB)
, “Creativity in Story Generation From the Ground Up: Non-deterministic Simulation driven by Narrative”, in 5th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014. stella CRC.pdf (218.11 KB)
, “A Model of Character Affinity for Agent-Based Story Generation”, in 9th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, Limassol, Cyprus, 2014. MendezGervasLeon-kicss2014.pdf (345.73 KB)
, “The Need for Multi-Aspectual Representation of Narratives in Modelling their Creative Process”, in 2014 Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative, Quebec City, Canada, 2014. cmn14.pdf (310.21 KB)
, “Reading and Writing as a Creative Cycle: The Need for a Computational Model”, in 5th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014. ictivs_rev.pdf (257.11 KB)
, “Calibrating a Metric for Similarity of Stories against Human Judgment”, in Creativity and Experience Workshop, International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, Bad Homburg, Frankfurt, Germany, 2015. HervasEtAl_ICCBR-EC.pdf (199.25 KB)